Before replying to this thread please read:
1)This thread isnt specifically for PS3 or how better it is than XBOX360 or the opposite.
2)Any f*nboyish behaviour is not welcome.
3)This discussion has nothing to do wether PS3's tech demo's were real or not
4)Posts about Sony lying again etc and hyping blah blah is also irrelevant and not welcome
5)The point of the discussion is whether the quality that developers are supposed to target is achievable with the next generation of consoles (regardless if its 360 or PS3).
We all saw the tech demos at E3.We also saw new graphics engines like WarDevil's.
But people mostly discussed wether they are real or not.
The question is can that quality be achieved in real games?
I ll bring some of the titles/demos shown
Killzone2: Incredible draw distance, attention to detail, physics and advanced real life like AI and animation
Final Fantasy7 tech demo: Again incredible draw distance, attention to detail---confirmed real time but is the same quality achievable in gameplay enviroment?
Motorstorm: Probably the most impressive demonstration of what to expect from physics.Dirt and mad splatttering realistically almost as if they have volume, maddy road changing surface shapes according to the speed and weight of the vehicles, every part of the enviromet has its own interactive generated physics (car hitting a tree-->branch falls on the car and brakes it), car damage so realistic its like watching a real car smashing into pieces, with each piece of if reacting in its own way
Heavenly Sword: separate character AI, constant framerate, hundreds of characters on screen without frame drop, huge draw distance, superb animation and physics
Tekken demo: Sweat vaborising/emmiting from screen, drops spraying away from skin reacting while character performs sudden moves, detailed skin to such a degree you can even see tiny pores, blackheads, and shaved hair
Warhawk: hundreds of planes on screen, huge detailed terrain, dynamic lighting, and many detailed characters on screen at once, superbly detailed surfaces(in cave) all at constant 60fps
Then Kojima showcases MGS4 in real time at the same quality and even hints that that level of quality is achievable.
I d like to mention more examples but you can get the point.
So do you believe that this quality can be achieved in the new generation of hardware like 360 and PS3?
1)This thread isnt specifically for PS3 or how better it is than XBOX360 or the opposite.
2)Any f*nboyish behaviour is not welcome.
3)This discussion has nothing to do wether PS3's tech demo's were real or not
4)Posts about Sony lying again etc and hyping blah blah is also irrelevant and not welcome
5)The point of the discussion is whether the quality that developers are supposed to target is achievable with the next generation of consoles (regardless if its 360 or PS3).
We all saw the tech demos at E3.We also saw new graphics engines like WarDevil's.
But people mostly discussed wether they are real or not.
The question is can that quality be achieved in real games?
I ll bring some of the titles/demos shown
Killzone2: Incredible draw distance, attention to detail, physics and advanced real life like AI and animation
Final Fantasy7 tech demo: Again incredible draw distance, attention to detail---confirmed real time but is the same quality achievable in gameplay enviroment?
Motorstorm: Probably the most impressive demonstration of what to expect from physics.Dirt and mad splatttering realistically almost as if they have volume, maddy road changing surface shapes according to the speed and weight of the vehicles, every part of the enviromet has its own interactive generated physics (car hitting a tree-->branch falls on the car and brakes it), car damage so realistic its like watching a real car smashing into pieces, with each piece of if reacting in its own way
Heavenly Sword: separate character AI, constant framerate, hundreds of characters on screen without frame drop, huge draw distance, superb animation and physics
Tekken demo: Sweat vaborising/emmiting from screen, drops spraying away from skin reacting while character performs sudden moves, detailed skin to such a degree you can even see tiny pores, blackheads, and shaved hair
Warhawk: hundreds of planes on screen, huge detailed terrain, dynamic lighting, and many detailed characters on screen at once, superbly detailed surfaces(in cave) all at constant 60fps
Then Kojima showcases MGS4 in real time at the same quality and even hints that that level of quality is achievable.
I d like to mention more examples but you can get the point.
So do you believe that this quality can be achieved in the new generation of hardware like 360 and PS3?