Whats a good MP3 player for a present?


I know next to nothing when it comes to MP3 players. So I'm looking for advise as to what to buy for a present for my soon-to-be 12 year old son's birthday present. Something in the $80 to $120 range. Anyone with advise?
I was looking for awhile because I wanted to buy one for my fiance. she goes for walks a lot and she was sick of her old crappy tape walkman.

I bought the new MSI Megastick in the end



Cost me $200AUS which was reasonable given its features because I wanted at least 128Mb and a Radio in-built as well. You can use it as a data storage as well of course, not just mp3. And voice recording with many quality settings if you need it.

Other less well-known brands have 256Mb versinos but ones with radios are too expensive and I tend not to trust the no name brands.

I can tell you she absolutely loves the little thing (and it's damn small and bloody light!).
I've heard good things about the Creative MuVo NX although I've not actually seen one myself. Also MPIO players are said to be very good. The FL100, in particular looks nice and is even expandable. Not too sure about prices in the US, however (although I'm sure they'll be a fair bit cheaper than here in the UK :devilish: ).
I can recommend the 256MB iBEAD. I bought it after Russ recommended it here (well in the general forum), and since it uses a Sigmatel chip and he works there he ought to know.

It is very light and rugged, has good headphones, has an integral battery that will last 12+ hours playing (loudly!), that recharges in the USB 2 slot.

Personally I'd recommend to stay away from any of the Creative players. They are insanely expensive for what they are IMO.
Kalbaz who offers players that are cheaper than the creative ones and still have all the features? I am honestly curious b/c it is too much for me to pay, but I wanted a player that would play ogg files and also a small one (dimensions).
Very few players play ogg. The RIO Karma does (the expensive 20 gig one), and maybe that FL100 thing.

My personal favorite is still the iBead (apparently still no distributor in the US, though you can get them on eBay). Tiny, all the bells and whistles, sounds good. I own one of these.

Or maybe the Thomson Lyra 1.5Gig HD player--its a USB mass storage device so "no drivers required"*. It uses the iPod style content management (if you like that). My wife has one of these for the car (borrowed from work), and I've used it jogging several times. Its not too heavy or too large.

You can get the RIO Karma (also a 1.5 gig HD player) for $119 after rebate from Buy.com (Price Drop! Buy.com has the Rio Nitrus Ultra Sleek 1.5GB Digital Music Player 30 hrs Playback at $209.99 - $50 rebate - $30 rebate(Exp. 11/30) - $15 off $200 coupon for first time customer(Exp. 11/30) = $115. Free shipping. Click the coupon and search for C93W92. ) (http://www.headlinedeals.net/clickdeal.aspx?clickid=3418) The Karma is not USB mass storage.

Disclaimer: the iBead has a Sigmatel part in it. Rio Nitrus does too. The Thomson Lyra does not.

*USB mass storage/"no drivers required" means you can connect up to any computer with WinMe, WinXp, Win2k and transfer files without installing any drivers.