What would be the perfect job for you?

radeonic2 said:
Only good thing apple has is the OS, the hardware sucks.

Ever used a dual G5 or just had a look at the inside? Amazing hardware! Maybe a few percent slower than the fastest AMD/Intel PC, but with the better OS, you don't care about those few percents at all and as I don't use the machine for gaming, the hardware is just perfect.

hey69 said:
i'm Xdsl and backbone expert.
Really? I'm not sure about the xdsl bit, but as for the other bit we call 'em "chiropractors" in my country and mebbe you can help me out.

My back and neck have been aching a bit lately... :oops:

xdsl like in Adsl and Vdsl , and backbone like in NETWORK backbone..

I wish there where woman here. all of them are ugly fuckups except me offcourse 8)