although I pretty much understand the difference between RF, Composite/RCA, S-Video and Component, can someone please explain RGB to me. I know RGB has been in use for a very very long time. it was around during the 16-bit consoles like Genesis, NeoGeo and SNES, and actually its been around since at least the 1980s. RGB was the absolute BEST picture you could get. much better than even S-Video. And I've heard that RGB is even better than component. even though component its
sort of RGB in a sense (correct me if thats not true) in that it has three signals for video: red green blue. from what I understand though, component is not exactly the same as 'old school' RGB, am I right?
Now I have component cables for my GameCube, my Xbox, and now my PS2 as well. the quality is alot better than RCA/composite, and still noticeably better than S-Video. I can easily tell the difference between all
three types on my '32 Sony WEGA.
But what I really want to know is, the difference between component and traditional RGB... and isnt there "analog RGB" and "digital RGB" ?
In the mid 80s, my dad got a '13 Sony monitor. it was one of those commen Sony monitors of the time, and it had RGB in addition to composite and RF. It had a whole array of jacks on the side. the normal RCA/composite and these large jacks with many pins. that was the RGB. not sure if that was digital or analog RGB... but we NEVER used the RGB hookup, ever, for anything. I'm sure my Genesis and other 16-bit consoles could have benifited from RGB. I remember reading about RGB in EGM and MegaPlay, they did a comparasion of composite and RGB. huge difference. but even with RF or composite, the image was just exellent on that 1980s Sony '13 monitor of ours. it blew out in 1990 and we got a '27 Sony XBR which had composite and S-Video.
ok back to RGB: With the PS2, I noticed there are TWO options in the PS2 System Menu for Component Video Out: Y Cb/Pb Cr/Pr and RGB. I'm using the first option, obviously, for my component cables.
Is that RGB option in PS2 for 'old school' RGB (analog RGB????) or digital RGB, or what? I dont even know the actual difference between:
1). component (which im using)
2). analog RGB
3). digital RGB
I'm sure two of those are actually one and the same. (maybe?)
I wish I could use my Dreamcast, and all my consoles with tradition RGB. I know this would be preferable over VGA even. Ive used my DC with VGA and dont like the results. yeah it is sharp, but its TOO sharp for my liking. I can see all the pixels, they are too well-defined. I prefer the natural-AA look of a television-monitor with S-Video, than VGA.. So RGB would be the only way to go for me. I seem to recall people using the commenly availiable Commodore RGB monitors for their 16-bit consoles.
something about it made it easy to have a cable made for it.....
please explain this to me more, i need a refresher on RGB!
or i guess i can always hit Google