What is a homosexual/transexual?


Retarded moron
Is there any proof that it's linked to DNA?

How come there are straight couples with gay/gender confused kids?

Is it a lifestyle decsion?

Is there any proof to prove either way? Or is it random?
i think it was scientificly proven that it was some order in the brain .

so you could say it's a disease :?
hey69 said:
i think it was scientificly proven that it was some order in the brain .

so you could say it's a disease :?
:? where's the logic in that?????
Every order of a brain is a "disease" then?

PC Engine: Yes, it's a trend thing... as soon as it goes out of fashion all the trend gays go back to being straight :rolleyes:
PC Engine: Yes, it's a trend thing... as soon as it goes out of fashion all the trend gays go back to being straight Rolling Eyes

They'll get a divorce too or a legal seperation, hey; they are *really* playing the trend out!
Recent research tends to suggest that transexuals have had an incorrect amount of hormones in the womb at critical times of developement. For instance, a male foetus doesn't get the right level of hormones at the right time, so you end up with a male body and the (default) female brain. When they scan the brain of a male-female transexual, they show the same activity female brains, not male brains. The body is male, but the brain is female.

This is quite different from male homosexuals who have a male brain but just fancy other blokes. There's some tentative evidence to suggest it is a genetic disposition, but the jury is still out on that one.

The arguments based on genetics or development in the womb are of course difficult to separate out from all the various (and different) social and environmental things that happen to define a person's sexuality as they grow into adults, and ones tends to obscure the other. This is why even now there are still so many "nature versus nurture" arguments about this and many other subjects. I suspect that it's probably a bit of both.
Homosexual behaviour is not uncommon in animals I believe (males, not so sure about females), so it's not a concious choice thing.
It's a genetic disease, like being left handed. Now, there is nothing wrong with being left handed, but left handed people shouldn't be allowed to marry, that's just wrong...
Thowllly said:
It's a genetic disease, like being left handed. Now, there is nothing wrong with being left handed, but left handed people shouldn't be allowed to marry, that's just wrong...

Bah !!!! I'm both righty and lefty !!!!!!
jvd said:
Thowllly said:
It's a genetic disease, like being left handed. Now, there is nothing wrong with being left handed, but left handed people shouldn't be allowed to marry, that's just wrong...

Bah !!!! I'm both righty and lefty !!!!!!
Bi, eh? There is no such thing! You're just not willing to admit to youself that you're a pure lefty. Get out of the closet already man!
As a gay teen, I spent a few years investagating - the origins of homosexuality.

This included 'scientific investigations' into sexual orientation. While it's an interesting subject to research - you have to realise that ultimately the 'origins of homosexuality' should make no difference to civil, political and human rights. Equality does not require scientific justification.

I just get the feeling that on this board the more socially conservative members get a little to 'involved' with why people are gay, and seem to miss that - It doesn't really matter.

Millions of gay people are pefectly happy just they way they are. I am and I've been happily in Love with my partner/boyfriend for almost five years now.
PeterAce said:
I just get the feeling that on this board the more socially conservative members get a little to 'involved' with why people are gay, and seem to miss that - It doesn't really matter.

Gay is the new Black. A century ago these folks would have been opposing equal rights for women. Half a century ago these same folks would have been opposing equal rights for blacks.

Those battles have been lost, and it's no longer acceptable to argue that women and blacks shouldn't have equal rights under the law with the pinnacle of God's creation -- the White Male.

So the debate moves on to the next thing that distinguishes a subset of people from God's White Male, namely gay folks. That battle *will* be lost, and ... oh who knows who'll be next. Left-handed people maybe (wierdos!) :D
The reason (I won't use the word "blame" out of respect for those who already are... although I don't approve, which possibly counts for nothing with you folks) for gays/lesbians comes down to one thing : improper and inadequate parenting.

I've seen this happen to 4 guys and 2 girls and in all 6 cases, they never argued with me on this point. All of them thought they wouldn't be in this "minority" if their parents had brought them up different from the way they were actually brought up.

The gays and lesbians here will no doubt curse me for this since many of you think the world of your parents.

I am just providing comment based on a 100% experience rate. I've nothing against sex-of-the-same-kind... I only wonder who was the first human being that did this because it was "natural" to him/her.
Reverend said:
The reason (I won't use the word "blame" out of respect for those who already are... although I don't approve, which possibly counts for nothing with you folks) for gays/lesbians comes down to one thing : improper and inadequate parenting.

Well, "proper" and "parenting" are often used in the same sentence, and IMO are generally a foil for some other bug-bear that folks have with some element of modern society.

Personally I regard ramming hard-line religious (and associated moral) viewpoints down childrens throats from an early age as improper parenting, but that reflects a bug-bear I have with certain minorities in modern society. To many others these folks are *good* parents.

Does beating the living crap out of your son/daughter if he/she shows the slightest signs of fancying their own sex count as good parenting, or bad?

I am just providing comment based on a 100% experience rate. I've nothing against sex-of-the-same-kind... I only wonder who was the first human being that did this because it was "natural" to him/her.

See my post above about animals. I'd guess that Homo Sapiens practiced homosexuality long before we became Homo Sapiens.