What for lunch?

Now, my portuguese is well rusty, but I think the guy who wrote this page for Wikipedia wasn't too serious: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feijoada
Why not too serious? He is right. One of the possible origins of the feijoada recipe here are the african slaves which used the less noble salted parts of pork (foot, nose, etc...) and beans. Another history I heard is that in some part of Portugal people have pork with white beans.

Today people use more important parts like bacon, sausage, salted ribs, salted cow meat, etc...
Two cheesymite scrolls and a 1.25L bottle of Ice Break today.

Got almost no sleep last night after being in bed all day with a chisle-o-matic headache the whole time, only to have to come into work today because almost everyone is out in Brisbane for some training seminar.

The caffeine helps..without it, my head hurts until I just snap. I have an addiction.
And where is the beans?

This would be a better pic :D

i think i'm going to get a kebab plate with fries today ... i'm tired of eating everyday sandwicht tuna at work
Yesterday that Wikipedia page on feijoada was rather different and especially the bottom text wasn't nice at all...somebody changed it overnight. Oh well...
Bah, all this talk of food is making me hungry. Forgot to eat last night, and I've only got sarnies for lunch. The cafeteria here sucks and it's expensive.

(Though I do live in one of the curry capitals of the UK ... but ... nah, must resist, must enjoy my sarnies ... mmmm...).
for lunch:

noodle delight... crispy noodles with the sauce.

victoria park and consumers road, toronto...