What does this ATI guy really do at ATI?

That kind of incestuousness does nothing for the conspiracy theorists of the world. :rolleyes: Sometimes I despair of convincing anyone that people who say anything about the graphics industry actually believe what they are saying.
Brian Hook moved from 3dfx to id Software back in the day. So this isn't a 'new' thing really (that is from IHV to Game Dev)
Well, Gary McTaggart and, IIRC, Brian Jackobson also came from 3dfx and went to Valve. AFAIK Dany LePage is formerly NVIDIA.
Reverend said:
Jason Mitchell.

I stumbled on his name while googling for some stuff. "3D Application Research Group Team Lead" isn't something I understand.

I don't quite understand the question, Rev. Do you doubt his existence or is it merely his job title which seems unlikely to you? But I must confess to sharing your frustration every time I see the name "Kirk" linked with the job title of "Chief Scientist." (But that's mainly because of the incongruities of many of Kirk's statements as quoted and that particular job title...;) ) I think we can agree, though, that job titles are often less than revealing, for some reason or other.