What are the cheapest processors that are better than a Q6600

I'm simply looking for a better processor that isn't expensive. I just need the cheapest processors from that outperform my current one.

I'm eying the Phenom II 940 but I'm not sure if I want to switch to AMD when there might be something better from intel for around the same price.
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What tasks do you run? The new Sandy Bridge CPUs seem to work nicely with media encoding.
I'm eying the Phenom II 940

According to http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html
the 940 performs the same as a q8400 or in other words about 10% better than the cpu you have thats a lot of money for performance you wont even notice
I don't think cpu's have moved on enough to the point where a budget cpu is going to give you a lot more performance than what you have, we haven't reached that point yet. If you want a noticeable improvement you have to go high end
I agree with Davros its not worth replacing the Q6600 yet (i also have one in my main rig just now) for the money you would also need to replace CPU + RAM + MB, but if you feel that you need to splash the cash then any SB chip would do it also look at the AMD hex core chips.

im waiting for BF3 and the Crysis 2 dx11 (i still love C2 down with the haters :LOL:) patch before upgrading, hope this helps.