hahaha turns out signature was hidden on mobile page, opened on a laptop and yeah its there hahaha.

i've been doxxed 

haha thank you digi! so that was you on twitter
btw that youtube, yikes! it was from 2007! Twelve years! It was before Google bought youtube! ooooold
I didn't know about Bayu's Twitter account, but his YouTube channel is lit!
(Beware asking silly geeks serious questions, but don't worry too much because we love you so much.)
EDITED BIT: I can't keep teasing Orangelupabuddy! If you google, "Saat suatu kejadian berhenti diberitakan, masyarakat akan melupakannya." it all gets kind of easy.
View attachment 3376

haha thank you digi! so that was you on twitter

btw that youtube, yikes! it was from 2007! Twelve years! It was before Google bought youtube! ooooold