What about a Sony OS?

Ever since Sony released a Linux kit for the PS2 i've hoped that they would make their own OS. They talked about it for the PS3 which turned out to be just limited support for third party Linux versions.

:Slimy marketing voice activated:

I want to see Sony put their devs to good use, and their marketing through the roof, introducing the S:OS. An operating system to rival OSX and Ubuntu and floor any Windows iteration, revolutionary like BeOs was when it came or user friendly like the current OSX.

I see Cell processors in every Vaio, an operating system with a "rosetta like" functionality to also work on Intel Core processors as well to become truly widely adopted. With superior program support and functionality, based on a microkernel for the next century or at least stable and flexible enough for the next 10 years. This is just a pipe dream, but wouldn't it be nice if it came true?

I'm bored... But wishfull thinking has never stopped anyone, appart from people who try to fly.
As long as they dont fill it up with rootkits then it should be interesting. :smile:
If Sony could make a good OS, then I guess that would be cool. Personally, I think Sony has a pretty annoying stance on DRM and proprietary formats, so I don't think they'd be ideal for the PC space.
Got nothing to hide got nothing to fear :LOL:

I'd still like to see it, seriously, because first and foremost they would have to compete with MS and Apple and therefore they would HAVE to make a operating system unlike any other and easy to use to attract people. Having a third OS backed by a big corporation would be good for everyone because MS and Apple would have to compete in turn with Sonys OS, leading to more diversity hopefully.

It would be cool if they built the system from the ground up with 3d display compatibility (who are coming into the public domain now that Toshiba has found a way to do it apparently); And perhaps make a carefull study of the desktop environment to make a better one, perhaps context sensitive and simple for everyone to use.

Basically i'd like them to make the next OSX, like using hardware that are within set limits or something so that devs don't need to code for a billion configurations. Lets see, what's more... oh yes, an OS that sets most stuff up automatically so you don't have to be a dev to do certain things.
I think we have enough operating systems already (we've got what, half a dozen?). Diversity is good up to a point, beyond which it becomes a pain in the arse and you end up with a bunch of incompatible, half-finished bad products, all of which aren't as good as they should be.

That's not to say that there aren't things which can't be dramatically improved about the current situation, but I'd say that building on the current infrastructure might be a better place to start. Especially if all you want to do is improve the desktop, rather than the whole operating system (desktop != operating system in some worlds, you know?!).

Basically i'd like them to make the next OSX, like using hardware that are within set limits or something so that devs don't need to code for a billion configurations.

What are the specific attributes of OSX as an operating system that mean that devs don't have to code for billions of configurations?
Well it's not so much part of the OS as Apple themselves. As they control every piece of hardware being put into their machines they make sure that anything they do in software will work the way they want it too.

I'm no programer but as i understand it every combination of hardware must be thought of as to make your program, and in extension also the OS, compatible. When you have billions of combinations of hardware, making sure it all works must be hell. Also i don't see Ms or Apple, and i choose these as an example because they are the biggest players on the market, having much incentive to improve in any other way then they are right now. Vista is ripping off OSX while building on XP and OSX improves on itself now and again.
Well it's not so much part of the OS as Apple themselves. As they control every piece of hardware being put into their machines they make sure that anything they do in software will work the way they want it too.

Precisely, this is what I'm angling at. So what in essence you're asking for is not so much a new operating system as the death of the PC as we know it, along with all of the attendant opportunities for innovation on the hardware front that such an open and flexible system brings with it.

Once upon a time Apple used to use proprietary everything in their computers -- proprietary expansion slots, proprietary networking, proprietary keyboard/mouse/blah ports, boutique CPU. Now they just use the same as the PC. There's good reason for this -- Apple lost the hardware battle with the PC.

The hardware diversity of the PC is a double-edged sword, but if you want to eliminate that diversity to make life easier for you OS developers you run the risk of throwing the baby out with the bath-water, so to speak.
Again you are right, my idea would probably be best summed up as flawed but with good intent.

Is there such a standard today to make it easier for hardware devs and software devs alike? And Apple still tightly controlles what's in your mac to make it easier for them. Though they stopped with their propriety ports and hardware it is a very controlled environment. Problem is, how do you make an inherently uncontrolled environment more structured. APIs for everything so that programers only see 3 boxes instead of 100s so that in the end, allthough less efficient, you still have a semi controlled environment less prone to error to work in?

I have to admit that i started this thread more as a joke because i was bored and tired and i seriously considered deleting it once i made it. But it is still an idea i have, wishfull thinking so to speak.
Yeah they just need a cool name.. how about BetaMax OS?

Personally, I'm particularly thrilled at an OS that boots from MiniDisc and uses UMD for storage. And also the Memory Stick Duo PRO-HG MagicGate.
Yeah they just need a cool name.. how about BetaMax OS?

Personally, I'm particularly thrilled at an OS that boots from MiniDisc and uses UMD for storage. And also the Memory Stick Duo PRO-HG MagicGate.

Don't forget that all CDs and thumb drives require heavy DRM and rootkits.
Now now, if they make an OS it would most likely be build from the ground up USING rootkits, so it would be inherently stable since it does'nt need to patch code to work on Windows hehe

Really though, as i understood it DRM doesn't work right now because there is no universal and secure such software. The little i know about DRM goes something like this:

CD goes into computer, Computer autoruns and installs a "monitor" in secret, monitor checks the transmission of data from the cd to computer, detects someone/thing trying to copy code and scrambles it.

Sounds easy enough if it worked without bothering users, opens the computer to attacks and slows it down with all the process information requests. So an operating system with a stable built in secure DRM module should work well shouldn't it? I'm not counting Vistas scheme as it seems more or less tacked on and works thereafter. This is a bit OT though.

It'd be cool to see how the OS would look and work though. Sony likes the "Cross Media Bar" alot, something similer but contextsensitive would seem like an interesting idea.
Unearthed this string

I also think a Sony OS is a nice idea. They have a great design asthetic and could run circles around Windows (and even OS X) if they wanted to.
I also think a Sony OS is a nice idea. They have a great design asthetic and could run circles around Windows (and even OS X) if they wanted to.
Nah, we shouldn't under-appreciate what goes into making a fully functional Operating System.
A Sony OS would be great. It would be intentionally hard to develop for to really stretch out your new Core i7 :rolleyes:

Seriously now, there's enough OS choice already. I'd rather they concentrated in making better SDKs for their hardware.
Really have to step in here and say what an amazingly outstandingly utterly bad wrong bad nasty bad idea a Sony OS would be.

We already have an OS mauled by a company that chooses style over substance... we don't need another OSX. I wince every time I start up my Macbook, knowing that the next few minutes are gonna be awful. The dock is awful, lack of basic / easy to run programs, windowed and folder views that work the opposite to anything that you would call ergonomic. At least with Tiger they finally copied XP for stuff like the networking, but its still a pain in the arse compared to Vista.

Thankfully, once Ive used OSX for what I need it for, I immediately restart the machine and boot into my copy of Vista on it, and all is right with the world again. You know, except the lack of numpad even on the 17" version and the immense heat it chucks out, getting so hot I have to press the F keys with a pencil.

Apple should concentrate on just the Ipod, and stop making software and OS's, and stop charging 4x more for pretty standard PC parts nowadays.

No, we do not need another company like Apple in the works. A real competitor to Windows I wouldn't mind, truely, but Sony is NOT the company to bring it to the table.
At least with Tiger they finally copied XP for stuff like the networking, but its still a pain in the arse compared to Vista.

Don't worry, Windows 7 has absolutely unintelligible UX for networking setup. If Apple decides to copy it, you'll feel back at home. ;)

On topic though. If Sony ever decides to make its own OS, I'm afraid it would be full of proprietary stuff and would work a-ok only with Sony HW. Which may be perfectly fine if they want to copy Apple's model, but market for overpriced "cool" products is only that large.

I don't think they will though. It looks like Sir Howard Springer has problems pushing the idea that HW should come with superb soft and services already. Complete OS from Sony seems even deeper in the la la land.
They have a great design asthetic

... and very little else. I'm inclined to think that it would be a good exercise for them that would help them improve the XMB and PSN libraries and SDKs and such, but other than that they would be much better off just designing a desktop for Linux. Make an XMB desktop for Linux and then work on it so that you end up with something that is really better than most other applications, and we'll talk. :)
Don't we have enough PITA with OS's already? Another Microsoft with Sony makeup wouldn't do anything but vause more confusion.

I'd like to see BeOS properly revived by some big player (yes I know about the current successors, but those are all half-baked and lack financing).