WD Raptor pricing

For the performance, storage and pricetag, I wouldn't even blink at the Raptor with the 7K1000 on the market. Niiiiiiiiiice....

Found a place selling them for $263 in the states, albeit out of stock at this moment.
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$165? Maybe that means it's time for the next ver to arrive.

The current model launched ~ Jan 2006, the first model ~ Jan 2004, that would suggest a new model is due. I haven't seen any rumors at Storage Review yet though.

A desktopized Savvio 15K would be nice while we're at it...
Holy Cow. I want the 17-unit raid-5 system. :LOL:

"Does not need to be defragged since it is a Random Access Device."
Condolences, my brother. :-|

Even after I found out it's still under warranty, I haven't even gone to the trouble of sending this second one back. I should, just to punish them, but I have no intention of putting another one in any of my systems so just haven't bothered.

Get yourself a nice 750GB for ~$200 and be happy and safer. :smile:

PS. I don't see it on this thread, but obviously I mentioned it somewhere around here --in the middle of September my second (i.e. a replacement of the original dead one) Raptor died a sudden and horrible death, taking my C drive with it and forcing me to an entire new install, etc. Data loss minimal, as I don't keep data on the C drive for the most part, and such user data which is on my C is pretty well backed up. Nevetheless, a painful and time-consuming event. I've sworn off Raptors with a 100% personal failure rate. Maybe they're fine. Maybe they just hate me personally. Whatever, we're done.
Condolences, my brother. :-|

Even after I found out it's still under warranty, I haven't even gone to the trouble of sending this second one back. I should, just to punish them, but I have no intention of putting another one in any of my systems so just haven't bothered.

There's always ebay.
Condolences, my brother.

Even after I found out it's still under warranty, I haven't even gone to the trouble of sending this second one back. I should, just to punish them, but I have no intention of putting another one in any of my systems so just haven't bothered.

Get yourself a nice 750GB for ~$200 and be happy and safer.

This one was the first Raptor I purchased sometime last year. I think I will RMA it if I still can and then sell the f'n replacement on eBay for whatever I can get and maybe buy that 1TB Hitachi Natoma kept trying to push on me. Thing is, I still have two other Raptors in my computer room, and I'm typing this on a clean XP reinstall on one that's barely been used (my new one a la this thread), so let's see how long it lasts. Watching LOTRO's launcher d/l 8153 files before I can play the game kinda sucks. And this after I went through two Windows installations and dead memory trying to get a QX9650 article done for the NDA lift, and it's not even published yet. God hates me.
I used to run a set of 10K rpm Raptor 74Gb drives for my main OS and games. I have since switched over to 7200 rpm WD RE2 750Gb drive. The RE2 is faster than the Raptor. It offers more storage for the price. As an added bonus, it's quieter too.
Better yet, my USB memory stick is apparently dead too, so I just lost license keys, a few saved games, etc. Stuff I *really* didn't want to lose. :(
I used to run a set of 10K rpm Raptor 74Gb drives for my main OS and games. I have since switched over to 7200 rpm WD RE2 750Gb drive. The RE2 is faster than the Raptor. It offers more storage for the price. As an added bonus, it's quieter too.

Faster than the 74, yes, but not faster than the 150. Nevertheless, the WD 750 is what I'm running now too --the marginal speed increase of the Raptor 150 (and it's not that much) just isn't worth it.

Of course, having said that, if tomorrow they come out with a new 300GB Raptor that's about 1/3 faster than the 150GB there will be lust in my heart.

But I'll resist it. Sudden and total C drive failures are just NO FUN AT ALL.
Better yet, my USB memory stick is apparently dead too, so I just lost license keys, a few saved games, etc. Stuff I *really* didn't want to lose. :(

Ouch. :cry: Tried every machine within a two mile radius in the hopes of a different answer? I've heard of that, but never seen it on a flash drive that isn't practically new.
Condolences, my brother. :-|

Even after I found out it's still under warranty, I haven't even gone to the trouble of sending this second one back. I should, just to punish them, but I have no intention of putting another one in any of my systems so just haven't bothered.

Get yourself a nice 750GB for ~$200 and be happy and safer. :smile:

PS. I don't see it on this thread, but obviously I mentioned it somewhere around here --in the middle of September my second (i.e. a replacement of the original dead one) Raptor died a sudden and horrible death, taking my C drive with it and forcing me to an entire new install, etc. Data loss minimal, as I don't keep data on the C drive for the most part, and such user data which is on my C is pretty well backed up. Nevetheless, a painful and time-consuming event. I've sworn off Raptors with a 100% personal failure rate. Maybe they're fine. Maybe they just hate me personally. Whatever, we're done.

Always get them in pairs. This way you can at least try and swap the logic boards. It's always worth a try unless you're 100% sure mechanical parts are damaged.