Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

I dont know but I was surprised how well 792P+2XMSAA seemed to approximate 1080P on Titanfall, so this combo can look quite good.


So I guess this marks 3rd sub 1080 game on PS4? WD, BF4, and Shadowfall MP.
If you consider a portion of a game to be a full game.

BTW, is that PC image running at 1080p? (edit: yes). It's pretty much what I'd expect 792p would look like compared to 1080p.
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If they really didn't target 1080p on the most powerful console, maybe they have gone a little Crytek and pushed things too far and, in effect, targeted PC!!!! I faint!!!!

Or, since it is a TWIMTBP game, maybe it's running less than optimally on AMD APUs even in consoles! ;)
I dont know but I was surprised how well 792P+2XMSAA seemed to approximate 1080P on Titanfall, so this combo can look quite good.
In terms of geometric sampling, 792p2xMSAA is about the same as 1080p (slightly higher, actually). But even ignoring issues with other aspects of sampling, the raw 1080p image ought to have significantly improved clarity, which those images demonstrate.

Short of undersampling on shaders and stuff, sit 10' away from a 30" screen and the difference probably won't be all that big of a deal, though sit 6' from a 50" screen and 792p2xMSAA is going to be a somewhat sad "approximation of 1080p."
This is a day one purchase regardless, as I have yet to see many negative regarding the gameplay.

But how in the hell did this happen? 6 more months bought Ubi what exactly? This is one of the smallest resolution gaps I've seen between a cross platform next gen title. Yet thats accomplished by Ubi's inability to push the upper bounds of resolution with the PS4 not improve the lower bound of the xb1. All with a game that doesn't seem like its pushing the hardware hard at all.

AC4 was a game held back by the previous gen but it managed 1080p as a launch title.
Interesting that now everybody expects multiplatforms to be on par with the exclusives while just a few months ago mentioning that as a mere possibility branded you as troll. Things change fast... or not :rolleyes:
So it was a typo on sony's site after all. I really dont understand why this game which has been delayed so long Isnt at least 1080p on the Ps4 and 900p on the X1. I mean for gods sake I know it is open world but it's only 30 fps. It's not crawling with enemies like DR3. It doesnt have beautiful Lighting and realistic shading like Ryse or KZSF or ISS. I know its crossgen but it really is sad. No wonder ubisoft has been so quite about the res and framerate. They cant blame launch time rush. From everything I have seen from this game it's visuals pale in comparison to Tomb Raider DE which managed 1080p 30 on both consoles. Im sorry for the rant and Im no developer but this news is truly a letdown.
It's probably because it's been so long in development - the entire renderer architecture is probably a bottleneck on the new consoles. Something like going forward+ with lots of geometry, eating up fillrate in the extra passes...

And don't forget the scene complexity, it's a huge city full of skyscrapers, with lots of characters, vehicles, other objects and some quite good view distances.
Something about this whole UBI/Sony debacle seems fishy. Granted 60fps could have been a typo, but 1080p as well? How far out of the loop (communication wise) was Sony with UBI? Especially a game for the most part was (is) a PS4 tent-pole showpiece.

Inquiring minds want to know… :yep2:
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I can understand Ubisofts dismay and frustration as the resolution thing and image quality thing is turning into negative press, but why would IGN take such a negative stance to its discussion.... unless.... have you guys as well separately come to the conclusion that IGN really is something of a cheerleader and mouthpiece of the industry? Seems they are always cheerleaders for games giving the biggest publishers inflated reviews and hype-hype-hyping upcoming games to the stratosphere. Extremely cosy releationships with the publishers and hardware makers. I wonder if these tweets reflect the feelings of frustration inside Ubisoft towards whats going on in the online chatter.

I guess every ps4 fanboy and eurogamer with their analysis are sociopaths!

Resolution is just the tool to do their fanboy warfare, last gen Xbox fans lorded over ps3 a little with the multiplat advantage, this gen Xbox fanboys were using their kinect (bringing innovation) and more exclusive games (ps4 willsmith where the games at gif meme), while ps4 fanboys use the beefier gpu that devs have been using to increase resolution and framerate.
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Maybe it's because some of their people believe a fun game is a fun game, whether it's 900p or 792p. Maybe they believe there is "good enough" or "close enough", the same way I can enjoy music immensely on my $20 earbuds, even though it's not as good as listening on my expensive audiophile headphones which can objectively be measured to more accurately reproduce sound.
Maybe it's because some of their people believe a fun game is a fun game, whether it's 900p or 792p. Maybe they believe there is "good enough" or "close enough", the same way I can enjoy music immensely on my $20 earbuds, even though it's not as good as listening on my expensive audiophile headphones which can objectively be measured to more accurately reproduce sound.

Well yeah anyone saying they wouldn't play any good game because of resolution is doing themselves & the developer/pubilsher a disservice. If the game is good its good.
If there is some requirement for all the nextgen games to be 1080p it takes away from developer flexibility with image quality. Ryse/order1886 are only possible with a res drop.
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AC4 disagrees with your assertion. and i sincerely doubt watch dogs does anything so impressive at this point. you click a function and something happens. its basically pre determined destruction
AC4 isn't running vehicle physics (cars, bikes, mechs, helicopters) nor anywhere near as frantic weapons. Nor is the world in AC4 nearly as destructible. Not to mention the ped behaviour.

Every additional thing you load onto the CPU leaves less CPU time for pushing graphics.
Ryse/order1886 are only possible with a res drop.

Not quite, The Order uses 4x MSAA as well and the end result requires more bandwidth than a typical 1080p fxaa buffer. It can go 1080p any time but the filmic direction requires that aspect ratio.

Anyway that's $89.95 AUD saved and will be gladly spending on Wolfenstein instead. There's absolutely no reason to pay full price for a less than mediocre looking open world game that doesn't even reach full HD res, I thought being 30fps could let them have enough headroom for effects and resolution but I was wrong.

People say Infamous SS isn't as deep as WD in terms of interaction but that's all countered with advanced gpu particles, much better lighting, more polygons (12million per scene), more high res textures and possibly higher framerate, as well as rendering 1920 x 1080 at the end of the day. To me it's unacceptable, the res sacrifice they made doesn't justify what's on screen, it's a sure pass.

The game changers part is what has me most interested ! IF they can add more crazy stuff in, then this can be a great game overhaul section to dwell into after endgame :p !
What's up with this platform parity clause enforced by Microsoft for cross platform games ?

Can they legally do this ? What about Sony ?

If true, we can expect a patch for PS4 shortly after launch day.
What's up with this platform parity clause enforced by Microsoft for cross platform games ?

Can they legally do this ? What about Sony ?

If true, we can expect a patch for PS4 shortly after launch day.

noun: parity

the state or condition of being equal, especially regarding status or pay.

First of all, 900P is not the same as 792P. I'm not great at math but I'm pretty sure.

The parity clause is imagination. Plenty of games have already launched at immediately higher resolution (Trials Fusion recently), or whatever you guys claim the clause covers I have no idea (fruit bats? framerate? AF between 2.3 and 6.21X?) perhaps you can enlighten me, on PS4.

Anyway that's $89.95 AUD saved and will be gladly spending on Wolfenstein instead.

Pretty sure that's a terrible'll regret it in short order I assume. WD doesn't look great graphically but neither does WF. But as far as budget, size, and ambition, they're in completely different classes.


1080P vs 900P pixels differential is 69.4%

So, it's closer to parity than the 900p/1080p multiplats so far, I guess. But, it's tempered by the fact it clearly looks cross gen anyway.
I worded that incorrectly. What I meant was that I don't think there have been any downgrades since the first PS4 reveal in Feb 2013. I didn't mean to say that there haven't been any downgrades from the first reveal in 2012. I feel that you still disagree, but I just wanted to clear that up.
On the contrary, I mostly agree with you, it is just the downgrade statred after mid-2013, the last trailer with decent graphics was released June13, after that the graphics spiraled downhill.

Some footage from this trailer was reused in two subsequent promotions, there was also another trailer with good graphics after that, released on August 2013.

Maybe these trailers were using the PC footage, at any rate after the delay of the game, the downgrade became much more obvious and severe.
AC4 isn't running vehicle physics (cars, bikes, mechs, helicopters) nor anywhere near as frantic weapons. Nor is the world in AC4 nearly as destructible. Not to mention the ped behaviour.

Every additional thing you load onto the CPU leaves less CPU time for pushing graphics.

Good point, perhaps Ubisofts earlier builds were based on what the gpu could do, but as they neared the end of development they found even as they optimizated they were limited by just how weak those jaguar cores were. I wonder if well find an i7 with a 7850 or 7870 can achieve the settings output by ps4 but at 1080p.