War of the Worlds

* Spoilers alert! Spoilers alert! *

1) The ending was a bit weak in my personal opinion, there also should have been more carnage of the tripods in the end, and more humans getting exterminated etc.

2) The scenes with Tim Robbins! Tim Robbins pretty much saves Tom cruise's character and his daughter, and Tom Cruise pretty much thanks him for saving his life by killing him. Wow what a great role model! :rolleyes:

3) Tom Cruise singing. Need I say more!

* /Spoilers alert! /Spoilers alert! *

The ending was way weaker than the record or the book. No edgy person so defeated they can't bear to go on and are going to sacrifice themselves to the martians. Especially cringeworthy is that 'no man truely dies in vain' epilogue comment. Ugh ugh ugh. Also I hated that cluess clot son who *charges* the war machines somehow survives the experience? Way to destroy the drama.

It isn't a bad effort but I miss the falling cylinders - why go the lightning storm route with the already buried gear? Bizarre change to the plot for no major reason.

I did like the revisioning of the red weed and why the martians were catching people. Also the visual design of the tripods was good although the whole business with the forcefield was kinda lame. (yes, I know nice little homage to the 1960's film but still kinda lame.)
The movie was awesome.

Bigest plot hole of all time though.

If the aliens buried the machines millions of years ago, and had been observing the earth for a long time. Then they would have built up an immunity to the biology by then. Also, They are way advanced and with that much time would have researched and known about any major biological hazards to them by then.

The book makes sense. They show up whip some tail and die unexpectedly.

Its such a HUGE plot hole that it undermines the entire storyline imo. Someone should have noticed the obvious and changed the plot to make more sense. Like um.. going WITH THE BOOK.
They suspect millions of years they dont really know for sure. But what if it was just a few hundred years ago, maybe a few thousand, and the machines could get sent here faster than the aliens (kind of a reverse terminator thing). And being that the machines also prepared the analysis before the invasion (terraforming isnt done overnight) while the aliens were on their way on slower transports.

Its not that big a plot hole I find...
Plot holes abound :

If it WAS a million years since they left the tripods there - What kind of sense does that make? Going to war with SERIOUSLY outdated technology... Are we supposed to believe that the martians havent evolved technologically? Silly IMO.

The martians can travel across space, teleport around in lightning beams - yet cant to a quick toxicology survey of the planet? Heck, humans nowadays dont go into some buildings, let alone countries or PLANETS, without immunisation/HAZMAT suits. Again, we are supposed to believe the martians are actually quite stupid? Silly IMO.

The martians come down anyway and actually get out of their invincible war machines, while in the middle of battle? Silly IMO.

Not finally : The martians come down, wipe us out, munch on most of us, then die. We know the martians came from above so there must be a spaceship or something in orbit... Are we supposed to believe that ALL the martians came down to Earth? That there are none left in this ship? IF there is a ship and there are martians in it, are we supposed to believe that, after seeing lots of their race die and regarding Earth as off limits, that they wouldnt just simply nuke us (poss. out of spite) ? WHY would they just go "hmm that didnt work, lets go home". Silly IMO

So, the story gets a dire 2/10 from me. It desperately needed updating to fill in these HUGE plotholes from the original book, but nothing happened.

Acting gets -1/10. I thought it was well acted but it looses about 8 points because of the GODAMN SCREAMING. Little girl STFU!!!!

Saying this - I enjoyed the movie - but Batman just squat ALL OVER it in the end....
Heh. I was going to skip this movie entirely as I never really got into the original WotW story, but I might have to see it now.

I've already gotten more than my fair share of giggles watching Tom Cruise tanking his career during this one, and the idea of watching him sing just has me going with an evil chuckle.

Oh yeah, and XENU!!!!! :LOL:
Who says they are martians in this movie? And whatever toxicological survey was obviously incomplete. Maybe they are a locust type species who are overconfident from a long string of successful planetary conquests and have no time for a complete survey?

Why is it so hard to overlook this?
Actually the book does not have plot holes.

The "Martians" planet is dying. They come to take out the earth. The biology of the planet kills them. By some twist of fate we win they lose.

Its streching it but at least cohesive.

Tom Cruise is hardly tanking his career. Dispite the plot hole the movie was freaking awesome for a summer blockbuster. Its a Quality thrill ride if you dont stop and think aobut it.

This movie is going to make north of 200mil. Thats hardly a Flop. Plus i thought Cruise did an awesome job in this movie. A way different part than usual for him. Plus he showed some real genuine emmotion.

I still give this movie a strong 7/10. It has an awesome sense of terror at "What if this really happened" It really puts you in the situation.
Hellbinder said:
Plus i thought Cruise did an awesome job in this movie. A way different part than usual for him. Plus he showed some real genuine emmotion.

Are you kidding me? Tom Cruise is the same arrogant prick he always plays in movies! Only this time he suddenly grows a heart at the last minute. However this could also be said for some of his other movies such as "The Last Samurai".
as of friday the movie was at 100m so it will most likely hit 250m unless fantasic 4 takes the wind out of it .

Actualy batman is only at 139 as of friday but should hit around 200m , mr and ms smith is at 139 too .
this movies is worst POS i have seen in months....
burried machines...how deep?....how deep did they burry them so they can ride lightining in it?...cant be miles, should be just under to surface....UNDER THE CITY? with all the construction going on and noone ever noticed?

they beam down in their machines and start not only breathing our air without _ANY_ filters (FUCK, my airconditioning has filters), but they also just start eating?....first bloody african tribes would first check what animals eat around when they moved from one place to another (beries and such) so they dont get sick or poisoned....

thats just for begining...... man, just watching it hurts your brain....
silence us humans eat foods that are bad for us all the time . Aliens wont have the luxury of knowing whats good or bad for them on this planet .

As said above in the original book they were at a dieing world and came here as a last attempt at living . Could have been the same for earth
Hellbinder said:
Tom Cruise is hardly tanking his career.
Yes he is, but it has very little to do with how good/bad WotW is. More about firing his manager who got him where he is today and instead having his sister manage his career because she understands his need to be more public with his religion where in his old manager protected him from being exposed as a lune.

He's tanking his career, but PR-wise and not movie-wise.

I'm gonna have to check out this movie, I heard they got the SpongeBob lyrics wrong. :?
jvd said:
silence us humans eat foods that are bad for us all the time . Aliens wont have the luxury of knowing whats good or bad for them on this planet .

As said above in the original book they were at a dieing world and came here as a last attempt at living . Could have been the same for earth

i KNOW original book..... i just couldnt bare this twist in plot. end of story. its most stupid thing they could have done.....

burrying super-duper machines, but no supplies? making no fucking filters (i know, when the book was written it made sense, but we have fucking filters in our cars, not only aircontioning....)

as someone already pointed.....HAZMAT SUITS? rings a bell?

there was no technology like that when the original book was written and i have no problem with that.....

but storm with thunders that teleport aliens in burried machines?????????
from where did that come from?
(my only guess is that if they tried to make some sense and put mother ship in orbit, we would be watching Independence Day 2).......

so, yes.... i might be judging it too harsh, but it really did hurt watching it...i read about people that left theatre before the ending and i can only say....those were the smart ones....(hope, noone is offended with this)
Just got back from seeing it. Pretty rubbish in an enjoyable kind of way. :)

Reminded me of HL2 a bit, lol.
MuFu said:
Just got back from seeing it. Pretty rubbish in an enjoyable kind of way. :)

Reminded me of HL2 a bit, lol.
how was dakota fanning? From what ive read at bom the kids are pretty annoying and the ending relating to the brother sucks.

She was ok, yep. Tom Cruise, he was ok too, and Tim Robbins... also ok. Nothing particularly memorable or poor from any of the cast, really.
Dakota Fanning did her job well. So did Cruise and the rest of the cast.

The biggest problems with the movie aren't really related to the entertainment value; the EV is great. It's more to the tune of (as virtually every poster has pointed out) technicalities and other smaller details.
silence wrote:
but storm with thunders that teleport aliens in burried machines?????????
Silly you. I know you must have meant lightning. :p Cruise even had a line in the begining of the movie durning the first storm saying "where's the thunder?"