War Devil - DigiGuys

Can't think where it first came up. I remember someone congratulating nAo on his move. Importantly notice his location is now Cambridge, UK, and not Milan or wherever it used to be. Also Deano's comments regards...I believe it was your remark about when a hardware is finalised is when it's in the home.

You need to scrub up your detective skills instead of relying on the grapevine!
Shifty Geezer said:
Can't think where it first came up. I remember someone congratulating nAo on his move. Importantly notice his location is now Cambridge, UK, and not Milan or wherever it used to be. Also Deano's comments regards...I believe it was your remark about when a hardware is finalised is when it's in the home.

You need to scrub up your detective skills instead of relying on the grapevine!

Hey i'm on here 20hours a day, half the posts coming in each day are mine! You don't expect me to actually pay attention do you?! :LOL: I have work to do!

oh u mean this:
DeanoC said:
You better hope Marco and I know somethings for "definate" before we plug our home PS3 into our TVs, else you might not be drooling so much ;-)

And i was supposed to understand "Marco works for NT now" from that?! :oops:

(By the way, i did remember! wow...)
Presumeing the videos and screen shots are in real time, I think this game deserves quite alot of interest. There's nothing to suggest GoW won't suck either, the last good single player game to come from that group of developers came out years ago and it wasn't on a console. Yet look how much attention GoW is getting, primarily just for it's graphics.
Ragemare said:
Presumeing the videos and screen shots are in real time, I think this game deserves quite alot of interest. There's nothing to suggest GoW won't suck either, the last good single player game to come from that group of developers came out years ago and it wasn't on a console. Yet look how much attention GoW is getting, primarily just for it's graphics.
Hahaha The very reason some of us don't have GoW on our wish lists ;) Some big questions about 3rd person and how it will all work out, not to mention the Epic factor (great MP games, iffy SP).

Anyhow, I agree with Inane. I don't care what platform they come out on. Making a good engine is a small part of the hurdle. You need something that artists can work with, something that fits your design objectives, something that actually functions in a gaming scenario.

Same deal with Project Offset. There are a LOT of engines being developed in the backgrond. The guys with $ and support are NOT showing off yet--they don't need to.

Reality Engine
WarDevil 1080
Project Offset

What do they all have in common? INDEPENDANT! What, are 3 man teams capable of stuff big houses are not?

Even more, look at UE3. Why all the media? Because they want there name out there. It is MARKETING.

The MGS4 engine was first seen when the GAME was ready to be announced. Konami was interested in the GAME, not the engine. Making a pretty next gen engine is not the hard part--the hard part is pulling together all the aspects of a game.

Just because some guy can make a pretty trailer says nothing about them making a great game: Good control, thought out story line, interactive elements that fit the gamestyle, RELEASED ON TIME, etc.

There are very few companies I would give a free pass to--and only in certain situations. e.g. the GT team. GT5 will play GREAT (who cares how it looks). Bizarre making another PGR? Based on how the others played, if you liked them you will like their next game. FF. If you are a fan of the series just preorder now. Mario? Zelda? Halo? Yes, Yep, Yes sir!

But really, very few companies get free passes. Even in the last year a couple really high profile games dissappointed. Killer7 anyone? last fall "Soildner" was supposed to be this BF killer... only thing it killed was your PCs stability!

And lets not even start talking about games with delays (Stalker anyone?). So if COOL looking games can flop by devs, and games in development can just fall apart... I wont hold out much hope for 3 man teams making an engine. It COULD be great, but counting on it is foolish.

And this is no offense to them. Prove me wrong! Make a great game! But almost ALL fail.

And even if they do succeed, they are 2 FULL years from release. By then they wont be anything special--not with the new id engine, Crytek engine, Bungie engine, etc.
Acert93 said:
And even if they do succeed, they are 2 FULL years from release. By then they wont be anything special--not with the new id engine, Crytek engine, Bungie engine, etc.

I agree with everything except this. I wouldn't say they won't be anything special. To say that would mean that you can tell the future. We just don't know right now. They could be the engine of the future.
mckmas8808 said:
I agree with everything except this. I wouldn't say they won't be anything special. To say that would mean that you can tell the future. We just don't know right now. They could be the engine of the future.
Not based on what we have seen. Project Offset looks better at this point, and from what I have seen from the new CryTek engine I can say confidently that it is much better than what WarDevil has shown. Heck, MGS4 is a better engine from what we have seen. And UE3's engine demos showed off some killer stuff... 12 months ago. I am not sure WarDevil is even as robust as UE3 from a technical standpoint (and it is a fargone conclusion it is not from a productivity/support standpoint).

Typical engine demos aim to show off the best you have. What they have shown looks good, but not breath taking.

Anyhow, if you are expect KZ2 you better how that this ain't the best thing we will be seeing this gen ;) The gap between the KZ footage and the WarDevil footage is as about as wide as the Pacific Ocean. We are talking Quake 1 to Quake 3 jump.
Acert93 said:
And lets not even start talking about games with delays (Stalker anyone?). So if COOL looking games can flop by devs, and games in development can just fall apart... I wont hold out much hope for 3 man teams making an engine. It COULD be great, but counting on it is foolish.

And this is no offense to them. Prove me wrong! Make a great game! But almost ALL fail.

And even if they do succeed, they are 2 FULL years from release. By then they wont be anything special--not with the new id engine, Crytek engine, Bungie engine, etc.

Counting on it? I'm not planning on becomeing a shareholder or a fanatic, I just think it's worth the same amount of interest as people (not anyone in particular) give GoW or even one of your "free pass" developers. Quite frankly, unknown games from unknown developers interest me more than the big franchises, as I don't know what is comeing next. I don't think the next big thing is going to be a sequal, a raceing game or something a big developement house would risk makeing.

On the engine side of things, it's interesting to see what the small or big people are doing. Project offset is interesting because it has alot of nice features, a nice architecture and the promo videos look good, it could be comeing from a big well known studio or 3 guys (well actually, just one guy programmed it), I'd still be interested. Although I think the fact it was made by just 3 people is pretty impressive.

Unless your makeing an important investment of some sort, things should be judged on their known merits and War Devil's known merits are it looks good. There for their is no reason to lose interest in it, not until something surfaces that makes it un interesting.
Acert I don't understand why you think that Wardevil doesn't look that great. Did you see the added effects that they have put into this game so far? To me its one of the better looking titles that have seen. You are really underestimating what this game has shown so far.