mckmas8808 said:Looks like Sony may have picked this game up.
Looks where it says SONY: It says DigiGuys is proud to be using Sony's 2nd stage HDCAMSR High-Def Studio VTR & unique blu-ray optical disc.
Sounds like a second party game to me fellas. But I could be wrong. They could be using all of Sony's equipment for a videogame that has that PS3 esque look and feel to it made on the blue-fay disc and just give it MS. I guess that's possible. [/sarcasm]
That's been there for MONTHS. I saw it like 4 months ago.
They are making a high-def movie aren't they? BLu-ray is the probable winner in the HD war, so this makes some sense. Regardless, it's very old news
They were supposed to announce the console at TGS but now I read that "negotiations are ongoing" so I gues we'll see....