War Devil - DigiGuys


I haven't seen this engine mentioned on these forums yet and what the developers allege they are creating bears directly on some of the topics discussed regarding 1080p resolution and whether or not we would actually see it used as opposed to 720p and 1080i.

Link #1 http://www.wardevil.com/

Link #2 http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/8963/WarDevil-New-Trailer-and-Screenshots/

I found nothing on the wardevil site to indicate it was 1080p and not 1080i, but the article on TeamXbox states, "The first RTE1080 teaser demonstrates the engine's cinematic look & feel - the aim is to create movie like in game material (in real time & in the highest HD resolution 1920x1080)."

To me that implies 1080p.

Something doesn't mesh here. The creaters are co-developing a movie and a game using the same engine, if i read their site correctly. Their site states they are still under an NDA and cannot mention what it is under development for(which console, multiple, or pc.) I'm not certain how much to read into TeamXbox posting this on their site. I was under the impression that the 360 would not support 1080p, only 1080i.

I've no interest in the game itself, beyond some pretty visuals I wouldn't mind watching in a kiosk for a few minutes while buying something else. Certainly I am taking a wait and see approach with the next generation and what will actually show up in the games vs. the "hype." I must wonder if what is being shown will be akin to Dragons Lair back in the day. A game which such limited character movements and total scripting of events that you are basically walking around a small 3d room with no real AI, collision, etc.

Anyone have an answers or ideas here? Something just doesn't add up to my thinking. Either this is for the PS3 or PC(considering much is being made of a HDTV resolution I cannot consider this likely), the engine won't be useable on existing consoles at all, MS is going to change their outputs to support 1080p, or these guys are full of it ;) Someone want to help me out with my logic here? Would seem rather embarassing of TeamXbox to be posting footage of what turns out to be a PS3 game.
The Wardevils page mentions te 1920x1080 frame buffer. It's 1080p afaik. Sony's one of their partners too, so hopefully it ends up on PS3...and doesn't suck. That's also important, b/c as nice as it currently looks (could use some improvement), it better not suck. PEACE.
My apologies. I've only been reading for a few days since the return of the section. Missed the subsection.
Silenti said:
My apologies. I've only been reading for a few days since the return of the section. Missed the subsection.

LOL, it's cool - I didn't notice it at first either when the forums switched format.
MechanizedDeath said:
The Wardevils page mentions te 1920x1080 frame buffer. It's 1080p afaik. Sony's one of their partners too, so hopefully it ends up on PS3...and doesn't suck. That's also important, b/c as nice as it currently looks (could use some improvement), it better not suck. PEACE.

No you'd pretty much use a 1080 framebuffer whether you were using 1080p or i.

Same way that everything except PS2 uses a 480 framebuffer whether or not they output to a 480p device.

You could do the PS2 1/2 height framebuffer thing if you could maintain 60fps, but you loose the ability to have a decent filter.
ERP said:
No you'd pretty much use a 1080 framebuffer whether you were using 1080p or i.

Same way that everything except PS2 uses a 480 framebuffer whether or not they output to a 480p device.

You could do the PS2 1/2 height framebuffer thing if you could maintain 60fps, but you loose the ability to have a decent filter.
Cool, I was thinking about that half-buffer method instead. PEACE.
Looks like Sony may have picked this game up.


Looks where it says SONY: It says DigiGuys is proud to be using Sony's 2nd stage HDCAMSR High-Def Studio VTR & unique blu-ray optical disc.

Sounds like a second party game to me fellas. But I could be wrong. They could be using all of Sony's equipment for a videogame that has that PS3 esque look and feel to it made on the blue-fay disc and just give it MS. I guess that's possible. [/sarcasm]
i had seen those trailers b4.
Undoubtly it's up to GoW quality if not even surpass it thanks to its 1080(p/i?) res.
From what I gathered it's an engine. And Sony picking it up makes sense as they've talked of end ot end cross content before. eg. Create Spiderman movie using Digi-Guys and use directly in PS3 game.

There's nothing to say the engine can't become crossplatform and use assets across the board. And there's nothing to say that because Sony are involved it'll be exclusive on consoles. Sony also has a big finger in the movie industry and it might be that aspect as much as anything.

What I couldn't determine was the concept behind the engine. Best guess based on the trailer was that it provides scaling/LOD, so you can generate low-poly models or highres fully textured and shaded cinema-quality images from the same source.
onetimeposter said:
you guys are naive if you think the visual quality of this game can only be achieved in PS3 and not Xbox 360.

Who said that? And if it were the case, would your universe suddenly implode in itself? :rolleyes:
You have done nothing but post one-liners adding absolutely nothing to whatever thread you've posted, just telling us how your preferred console will be better than another one in your opinion, which i'd argue is not exactly the wisest around.

Newsflash boy, no one cares.
onetimeposter said:
you guys are naive if you think the visual quality of this game can only be achieved in PS3 and not Xbox 360.

1/ wow is (much )more a question of dev/artist contribution than hardware.
2/nextgen gen won't be about GPU.
Onetimeposter said:
well the GPU shows the visual quality. the CPU shows the physics

And physics don't translate in the visuals at all? Visuals are not only the result of one single unit within a console - but in fact a result of the entire piece of hardware as a whole.
Sony did not pick digi guys. This info (about using sony studio) is old and videos are old. They are free lancers.
_phil_ said:
2/nextgen gen won't be about GPU.

This guy agrees (see the last couple of questions):


Not that anyone's taken their eye off the ball wrt GPUs, I don't think. Well I expect Rev to offer "value" and some unique features in that department at least, also.

As for Digi-Guys, it sounds like they're publisher-less, even though they made it sound like they had a publisher and platform before. They were showing their wares privately at TGS..I think they were probably fishing for a publisher there.