Vista Premium Ready 7/1/2007


Mostly Harmless

I am sooo confused. The hardware requirements for "Vista Premium" go into effect six months after Vista ships?

Umm, say what?

Will there be a "Vista Premium" logo available at launch, and will it mean the same thing hardware-wise as the one that goes into effect on 7/1/2007?

I'm trying to avoid coming to the conclusion that was is going on here is a major f*cking-over of joe public who's buying new hardware for, he thinks, Vista in early 2007.

Am I missing something obvious?
There are two kinds of min requirements. The "core" Vista experience and the "premium" Vista experience.

From what I've been able to gather from that article, microsoft will only allow the use of "Vista capable" logo for hardware that meets the premium requirements starting on that date. In this case the "core" requirements become a sort of "transition" system that will be deprecated in June 07, perhaps going so far as MS stop selling Home Basic from that point on?

But anyway, the part that caught my eye was this:

The following are requirements for Windows Vista Premium logo-compliant PC and will be mandated by June 1st, 2007:
While DirectX 10 will be introduced later in 2007 along with Windows Vista, it is not a requirement.

Does this mean DX10 will only arrive on H2 2007?
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Mordenkainen said:
Does this mean DX10 will only arrive on H2 2007?

Excuse me a moment. . .


Okay, now. . would anyone else like to comment/clarify?
Technically its functioning now in Beta 2. I think you're just reading too much into it. DX10, part of Vista, will ship with the OS later, as in when Vista ships, which is later. Just very bad wording on the part of the writer in my opinion. Sadly i think mine is just as poor.

Edit, to comment on the origonal. 6 months after the OS ships may be to allow OEMs to begin shipping systems they can call Vista ready asap. For example HDCP compliant parts may not be exactly common when Vista ships (Q1 2007 and the months before for OEM Vista ready PCs). Giving them 6 months time may be to alleviate fears that they'll fail to ship systems because people wont want it if it doesnt have that "Vista Ready" logo which would happen if they enforced Premium specs for all computers from day one. They're suppose to be able to ship Vista ready PCs within the coming months, which obviously problably wont meet all the requirments of premium Vista due to hardware and/or feature immaturity. I dont think its suggesting at all that the hardware available to consumers wont be Vista capable until 6 months later which is what i believe your fear is. Simply sounds like they want to give OEMs as much time as as they feel necessary before they put a harsher clamp on what they need for that Vista approved stamp.

Basically, i simply see it as a measure so they dont destroy OEM PC sales do to people thinking that their new PC that they ready to buy or are planning to buy a few weeks/months from now wont support Vista.

My PC fails the Vista "Premium" specs, and i'm sure the rest of yours do to. No matter how new it is ;). Doesnt mean i cant run Vista.
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SugarCoat said:
Technically its functioning now in Beta 2. I think you're just reading too much into it. DX10, part of Vista, will ship with the OS later, as in when Vista ships, which is later. Just very bad wording on the part of the writer in my opinion. Sadly i think mine is just as poor.

Alright, I'll grasp at that straw for the moment. Thanks. :smile:

Now, back to bitching about what looks like a shell game to me meant to fool the public into making hardware purchases in early 2007 that are not going to meet their actual longterm needs. What's up with that?

Is there one logo and set of requirements for launch, and another different logo and set of requirements for 7/1/2007? That would be bad enough. Even sleazy in my book. But if it's the same logo and only the requirements are changing on 7/1/2007 then I'm really annoyed.

So which is it?
Dell and HP are going to throw a serious fit if they're not allowed to ship "Vista Ready" PC's as soon as the first commercial hits the screen. No matter if it actually meets the specs. Because that sticker will be a required part of the hardware for it to sell.
All of which would be solved by making their specs known far enough in advance and insisting on compliance to qualify for the sticker. That doesn't say anything about hdcp, etc re Premium Ready.

Well, whatever. If they sell them as "Vista capable" that is one (somewhat distasteful, when they know a new stadard is coming) thing. But if they sell them as "Premium Ready" in that interim period based on two different sets of specs, that's just Evil. Particularly with notebooks, which aren't very upgradeable for the average consumer.

I'll hope its the previous for now. If I was an OEM that could meet that higher spec in January I'd be right pissed if others got to use the logo and not meet the spec.