Sabastian said:
Natoma said:
The first step to changing a society's views is to change the laws. If you outlaw something, or make something legal, that will, over time, affect how society views it. Look at abortion as an example of something that was made legal. Or drunken driving as an example of something that was made illegal.
Anti-discrimination laws *do* have an impact on society because it becomes ingrained in the fabric of that society.
Spoken like a true social engineer. Natoma where did you get your education? First off there are no laws to change rather what is being done is the creation of new laws. There are still a great opposition to abortion. What you are talking about is creating new social problems via laws. I disagree that law making equates moral values. But rather that laws should reflect the moral values of society otherwise you are being authoritative and repressive. How sanitized mentality you have laws equal morals.
1) I was educated at Berkeley Carroll in Brooklyn, NY. One of the best high schools in the nation actually. Then I went on to a little place called Yale.
2) On the books today there are laws that say sodomy is illegal. And in most cases, it's only illegal for homosexuals to engage in sodomy, generally defined as not only anal sex, but oral sex as well.
Actually, any type of non-vaginal sex is deemed in quite a few states as sodomy.
3) 100 years ago moral, decent people believed that keeping black people as second class citizens was the right thing to do. Some people used the bible to say that it was even endorsed by god! Actually what am I saying... There are *still* people today who will point out scriptures that say that african slavery was justified by god.
During that same time, moral decent people believed that denying women the right to vote and the right to work outside the home was the 'godly' thing to do. Man was to go out and work. Woman was to stay home and bear children. Anything else was ungodly and unseemly.
In the middle east, it's immoral for women to show anything more their ankles. And even then, in some spots, that is considered sinful.
Does that mean that middle eastern society should be allowed to subjugate women in the way they do, just because that's their moral values?
Please. Morality does not necessarily equate correctness. Hitler and his crew thought it was their moral duty to eliminate jews from the face of the earth because of what the jews did to christ.
4) Abortion will always have its foes. Frankly I agree with only certain kinds of abortion, such as first trimester abortion, or abortion in the second or third term only if the mother's life is in danger. I am vehemently opposed to partial-birth abortion because it is supremely barbaric, especially since it is only performed in the third trimester, when babies are most certainly capable of living outside their mother's womb, and are most certainly more than just a non-descript ball of cells.
The overwhelming majority of people in this country are against *partial-birth* abortions Sabastian. Not abortions in the first trimester.
Sabastian said:
Natoma said:
How is freedom of religion not comparable? Someone who believes in a different religion will act differently. They may even behave in a manner that is, according to "your" religion, unseemly.
Think about what an islamic fundamentalist would have to say about women in our society walking around with short skirts and no facial coverings. The horror!
So tell me, how is religion not comparable? And btw, I don't discriminate against religious people. I don't like it when they try to force their bigoted beliefs on me. I could care less in who believes in what, but when those beliefs impact my ability to live my life to the fullest, that's where I draw a line in the sand.
lol and this is coming from the guy whom can't see the parallels that pedophiles are facing. Freedom of Religion is a supernatural belief in God or likewise. It is about the mystery of life.... there are no parallels between two men rooting around in bed and a religion. My sakes man. They believe that it is poor behavior to "walk around in short skirts" that is part of their religion. But I don't think I would create a law where you could not make the judgement that you don't like it. Discrimination based
on behavior is normal and everyone does it everyday. Just because junkies are allowed to shoot up in a park in Denmark doesn't make me think any more highly of them. Same goes for a throng of queers going
down main street on top of a float of an erect penis I still think they are fu*ked up. If I was walking down the street and my child (or myself for that matter.) was forced to view one of them gay pride parades and my child were to ask me about it I would explain that it is the greatest injustice my country has ever done and that the people in the parade were sick in the head. How is that for discrimination? You keep your garbage social science away from my kids ......
you hear me? No you don't discriminate against religious people you simply want to high jack their moral values.. eg Gay and lesbian marriage in a Christian church. A question for you Natoma do you discriminate at all? If so in what instances would you? If you don't you are one of the few. But here lets take this discriminatory argument a little further. What about all the people whom are ugly? Surely their case is a far worse fate then homosexuals. Why doesn't the UN (or for that matter our governments.) take their cause to hand? I mean it isn't even that they behave differently or anything it is purely something that they can do little about. But they would face discrimination on a daily minute by minute bases. Pedophiles are a lot like gays though in that you can't really tell about them until they are sexually engaged.
1) First off, please learn to use paragraph spacing.
2) Actually, I explained the differences between pedophilia (heterosexual and homosexual) and normal homosexuality and heterosexuality. But you snipped the definition out later on in the post you made. You also linked to a site (worldnetdaily) that is a fundamentalist christian website. Please you might as well link to the christian coalition website with their sponsored surveys and studies. I'm sorry, but I would not call them particularly unbiased.
The Journal of Pediatrics most certainly is unbiased, and definitely scientific. So believe what you will. I'll stick with scientific evidence regarding pedophilia.
3) You're right. Muslims believe it's poor behavior, unseemly even, to walk around in short skirts. It is certainly part of their religion.
Question though. Do you believe it's *right* for a country to legislate that women cannot walk around without looking like a bed sheet? Do you believe those muslim countries are *right* to force their female populations into subjugation, just because it's their religious beliefs?
Would you be for the Iraqis democratically voting in an anti-US theocratic regime in their first election? You do realize that the vast majority of Iraqis are shiite muslims who want the country to look like Iran.
So as I said earlier, just because the mob wants something doesn't mean that it's *right*.
3) You know what's sad Sabastian, while you're telling your kid that "those queers" are sick in the head, you could be insulting him/her. There are gay children Sabastian! It's not like we become adults and then all of a sudden we pop out into being gay. I grew up in a deeply rooted christian family, and was heavily influenced by christianity as a child, from the age of 2.
And *still*, even with all the negativity that surrounded me from my family and church goers, I still knew when I was 12 years old that I was gay. I had never been molested, never seen any gay imagery. I had never even seen two guys kissing, or heard about it. But I knew I was sexually attracted to the other boys in my class. I didn't know what it was until I looked it up in a dictionary, and read about it in the bible. *Then* I realized what I was feeling.
So guess what. You're telling your son/daughter that "those queers" are sick in the head, and you could be doing more psychological damage to them than anyone else could, because they look up to you, love you, and trust you more than anyone else in their life.
You heard me?
4) There are religious people in this world that would cut off your penis for merely *looking* at their wife. There are religious people in this world that would stone you to death for having sex outside of marriage.
They can believe whatever it is they want to believe,
just as long as it does not impinge on my ability to live my life in the pursuit of liberty and happiness, as every other american has the right to.
p.s.: There are gay and lesbian christians Sabastian. Just as there are gay and lesbian muslims. Hell, there are probably gays and lesbians out there who have a stronger and deeper faith than *you* do, if you believe in god that is, and whatever god it may be.
5) Pedophiles are a lot like gays though in that you can't really tell about them until they are sexually engaged?

You're an idiot. Pedophiles are a like like straights in that you can't really tell about them until they are sexually engaged.
6) Your use of "ugly people" is idiotic. "Ugly people" don't have laws on the books saying that if they have sex with one another they are committing illegal acts. "Ugly people" don't have to worry about being killed just because they're "ugly." "Ugly people" don't have to worry about being fired because some idiot in their job suddenly finds out that they're "ugly."
Sheesh. And why did I put ugly into quotes? Because imo "ugliness," is in the eye of the beholder, just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One person's hideousness is another person's beauty contest winner.
If you're going to make an argument, at least make one that is plausible.
Sabastian said:
Natoma said:
What exactly is behaving like a heterosexual? What exactly is behaving like a homosexual? If you behave like something, then you're mimicking. If you *are* something, that's something totally different.
lol, you never did start to chastise people whom don't think there is any human nature. Further there is very little evidence to say that you "are" gay based on biological or chemical differences in humans. There is not one trace of difference biochemically between a heterosexual male and a homosexual male. Behavior is an analytical term. For instance when I am having intercourse with my wife I would suggest to you that this is typical heterosexual behavior. You could apply the same term to your self and I would suppose that is the reason you call yourself homosexual. There now, was that so difficult?
1) Actually quite a few differences have been found. One such difference is the size of a gland in the hypothalamus which just so happens to develop completely during pregnancy, and regulates sexuality in the human brain. Apparently it is roughly half the size in homosexual males than in heterosexual males, closer to the size of a heterosexual females. And apparently this same organ in lesbians is almost double the size of heterosexual females, closer to the size of heterosexual males. Scientists attribute this difference to a possible lack of testosterone during critical stages of development of the fetus, as well as other factors.
That is just one difference off the top of my head.
2) You are heterosexual if your sexual attraction is predominantly towards those of the opposite sex. You don't ever have to engage in sexual activity to be heterosexual. You are homosexual if your sexual attraction is predominantly towards those of the same sex. You don't ever have to engage in sexual activity to be homosexual.
Heterosexuals can engage in homosexual activities and *still* be heterosexual. You see it all the time in prison. Homosexuals can engage in heterosexual activities and *still* be homosexual. You see it all the time in men and women who are trying to "make" themselves straight.
The difference is quite easy to see Sabastian. Open your mind a little and stop being so goddamned bigoted.
Sabastian said:
Natoma said:
There most *certainly* should be laws to protect people who are homosexual, as there are laws to protect people who have certain religious beliefs. It's called protection of minorities.
I would be careful if I were you here this is wear your start making for laws to protect *any* group with a law. The fat, ugly, stupid, pedophiles etc. There are all sorts of minorities and all sorts of people whom are discriminated against. I am discriminated against on a daily bases Natoma, care to guess how? I disagree there *certainly* shouldn't be laws that protect people for how they behave in bed. That is silly and the law is sure to fail, can't you see that Natoma? Would you report me to the thought police for not conforming?
Gays men and women aren't hurting anyone. They are engaging in normal sexual activity with their partner(s) in the privacy of their home, just as heterosexual couples do.
*However*, the sodomy laws on the books in most states *only* say that sodomy is illegal between *two males*, *not* between a man and a woman. That is most certainly discriminatory against gays because it applies *only* to gay men and women when heterosexual men and women most certainly engage in anal and oral sex.
Who gives a shit what you think Sabastian. You could have thoughts of murder, death, and mayhem against anyone you like for all I care. You can be disgusted all you want to. But as soon as you take those hateful bigoted thoughts into action, *then* you have broken the law. This isn't Minority Report.
Sabastian said:
Natoma said:
First of all, pedophiles (heterosexual pedophiles, homosexual pedophiles, male and female alike) are sexually interacting with beings that are, in general, too young to understand the psychological, emotional, and physical ramifications of their actions. *That* is what I do not agree with. That is what I think is not healthy. Here are the different forms of pedophilia:
Thanks for that...but consider
As I said before, I don't deal with sites that are fundamentalist christian. Just as I would not expect you to take the word of a gay site that came out with their own "statistics" and "beliefs" based on those "statistics."
I'll stick with the scientific body of evidence available in the Journal of Pediatrics, a very well respected journal that almost all pediatric doctors in this country reference when dealing with pediatric care.
Drive through Sabastian. Drive through.
[EDIT]Massive edit due to damn spacing problems from notepad[/EDIT]