Upgrading to value PC next month


My current PC is having serious cold boot problems :( I really dont know what to do, but at the same I need an upgrade. My current PC is:
P4 2.4GHz
DDR266 768MB
mobo Asus P4B533
Asus GFFX5600 128MB

I am going to Sao Paulo city in the middle of next month and it has a street with lots of hardware stores. Main brands (MSI, Gigabyte, Asus) are available. I am thinking about a value upgrade like:

Athlon 64 3000 or Sempron 3000
512MB DDR 400Mhz (single dimm)
nforce4 mobo
6600GT PCIe videocard
some DVD-RW

I will use it as SOHO and for casual gaming (no overclock). I like FPS.
Will it survive the future games like the next Unreal?
Any advices/comments are wellcome. Thanks

Looks good to me, that is what I just bought for myself as it looked to be the best bang for buck ratio for how long I was going to use it (years). You might wish to go ahead and get one more stick of memory for 1GB. I also got the 3200+ but about the same really. =)
I sold my x800 TT (as DW calls it) or x800 pro vivo@pe as I called it and used the money to buy a new athlon 3000+ socket 939 90nm cpu, an nforce4 and a 6200 which unlocked to all 8 pipes. I still made a few bucks on the deal too. So far I am liking it even though it is a tad slower in some things, for regular use it is much faster.
Thanks Dr. Ffreeze and Sxotty

I will try to sell all I can, with the exception of the mobo.
Do you really think 1GByte is much better than 512MB?
Is that about stutering?