Until Dawn [PS4]

Can't wait to get that firmware 3.0's png goodness, do us proud clukos, share some of them uncompressed shots.

Oh i will, check the screenshots thread. What i noticed is that Bloodborne has the largest screenshot size out of any other game. It's dense with detail. Most games sit around 1-3mb per PNG picture, Bloodborne is around 3.5-5mb :yes:
Dear god @ BB, so I was right then in saying how much it would benefit from PNG:). Man I feel like replaying all my old game now just to screen grab and marvel at their true quality later on.
The screenshots thread is sticked in the games forums! It's where most of the shiny pixels can be found :)
Finally got home and managed to get this little baby. Strangely enough the download was slow as hell - I thought it was my connection but I downloaded the free ps+ games at full speed so it was definitely something wrong with the UD download.

Started playing, love it. I can't wait to delve deeper. Gorgeous, gorgeous character models that, in my brain, look better than the FF:TSW ones, even accouting for the lower geometry.
I am pretty certain they do something to hide polygonal edges, i am waiting for presentations for either Horizon, Uncharted 4 or Until Dawn as i am pretty sure all three do something similar. Polygon count should be fairly high to begin with for UD though, faces are a standout.
Do we have any behind the scenes videos for this game. How did they record facial movement? With head cameras or wall grid [David Cage style]?
Do we have any behind the scenes videos for this game. How did they record facial movement? With head cameras or wall grid [David Cage style]?

Yes, these are in Bonus Features in the game itself. Dots /lines on faces with headcams capturing the actor's performance.
Do we have any behind the scenes videos for this game. How did they record facial movement? With head cameras or wall grid [David Cage style]?


By the way, this game has tremendous word of mouth reputation. Everyone seems to like it, players, horror fans, streamers, youtubers, celebrities, hell even people without Ps4s seem to like it. My bet is that it'll sell pretty well in the long run :yes: Well deserved imo
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So they recorded the faces by actors, and body movement by other performers [stuntmen]. Like LA Noire. That's probably why there is so many reports that characters performances in both game are sometimes janky.

Cage never had that problem because he always recorded everything together.
So they recorded the faces by actors, and body movement by other performers [stuntmen]. Like LA Noire. That's probably why there is so many reports that characters performances in both game are sometimes janky.

Cage never had that problem because he always recorded everything together.
While the body and facial performance captures are separate, the actors are doing the physical motions during facial capture. It's not like they're sat around a table playing cards or reading newspapers ;)
It seems a lot like a high budget old-school adventure game in many ways, from looking at it. It's totally not my genre so chance I'll ever play it is small, but I do hope it is successful so more of these get made in different genres.
It seems a lot like a high budget old-school adventure game in many ways, from looking at it.
It many ways it is. Imagine Maniac Mansion cut with Telltale's The Walking Dead.
Finished it, four survivors. Amazed by the graphics and experience. This engine, which is supposedly the GG engine developed for KZ:SF, sometimes achieves photorealistic images. If this is all rendered real-time, hats off.

Game of the year for me.
It's basically extremely hard to get an exact same playthrough. I've played it like 3 times so far and seen other play it twice and every time i see something new :smile: