Unreal Tournament ?

I played original UT's CTF in particular quite a bit, it was hella fun, several of the levels were very interesting in design. Then I lost touch with the series for a long time and didn't re-surface until UT3, which I hardly ever played online. I stayed mostly with bots instead, so that I could shine and not have to die all the time... :D

This new UT looks promising, I wonder how long it'll take for the game to become playable. Who will provide art assets and initial level set, Epic's in-house team?
WIP, First Map

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8Nlz7XonCs#t=96s

They stress that it's not meant to be a playable map, just sort of an interactive concept art. Apparently it isn't spacious enough to make for a very fun match.
They stress that it's not meant to be a playable map, just sort of an interactive concept art. Apparently it isn't spacious enough to make for a very fun match.

Spacious maps arent fun unless you zap around in a manta. Lotsa people, flak guns and narrow corridors = carnage.
(Damn its 15 years since UT, bet I wouldbe yelling at the kids owning me before switching to a those horrible broken Sniper/Ctf maps for an afternoon nap)

Its time we have some shooter again where the players run around in stupid eyes-buring-red and glowing-blue Armor. UT3 was horrible dark mashy "realistic" stuff which then had to glow so you coudl atleast figure out whom to shoot unless the overdone DOF washed everything away. Not even talking about the current state of popular shooters....
I really hope the final game looks that good.

No doubt it will look even better. That is a very early prototype with not much to it. We are talking about a flagship PC game in 2015 on UE4 from the maker of UE4. It's their job to show what the engine is capable of.