Unreal Engine 4 now free

As of November UE4 can also use c# apparently but c++ is the default.
/cry. I want to make my game so badly, but I'm torn between trying to learn how to write my own graphics engine and just putting out a product. I guess even with UE4 you're still going to have to write some graphics code so this might be where I should actually start before jumping any lower level.

I guess I suck with level makers though, this part has always killed me about these large engines.

Give these videos a watch:

If you're trying to build a game for the first time, start small. Hell if possible start 2D. Use something like Clickteam Fusion to put something together.
Give these videos a watch:

If you're trying to build a game for the first time, start small. Hell if possible start 2D. Use something like Clickteam Fusion to put something together.
It'll be my second game sorta ;) First game was a port from PC to PSN, so I was never involved in the designing of the mechanics and what not, I pretty much made what they told me to. I learned a lot there since I did it all, but I was never involved in the project scope, gameplay, etc... generally how to design the game before you program it.

But thank you I'll look through these episodes and scope my project properly,I appreciate the love on this forum.
Construct 2 is very easy and click click click. It also have templates.
You can make platformers in minutes (literally).
I said wow :oops::





Detailed breakdown:
As a brazilian, I am impressed with the authenticity of this. Must have come from a brazilian person, which I hadn´t seen much of within the high-end side of modding and game art scene until now. Though I don´t follow that stuff that much anyway.
I see some parallax artefacts on the floor! D:

Pretty nice shadows anyway.
As a brazilian, I am impressed with the authenticity of this. Must have come from a brazilian person, which I hadn´t seen much of within the high-end side of modding and game art scene until now. Though I don´t follow that stuff that much anyway.
South/Mediterranean-European (very) old kitchens look the same too.
Unreal Engine 4 Elemental DX12 Tech Demo Download
August 7, 2015
You can download the Unreal Engine 4 Elemental Tech Demo which is now is available from our servers in multiple locations. This is the latest revision that is DirectX 12 compatible.

This Unreal Engine 4 demo shows the engine's capabilities using DirectX 11 with demanding particle effects. Before running the demo you might have to install the (included) Microsoft Visual C++ Redist Runtimes. Settings can be edited using the included batch file (e.g. ResolutionSizeX=1920; ResolutionSizeY=1080).

The newest UE4 version supports DirectX12, keep in mind that the dx12 is still in development.

~ 1 GB
Download Link

Edit: Download size corrected.
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My bad ... sorry. Slow download speeds and a hangover does funny things to your eyesight!
Either the DX12 binary or the graphics driver is bugged for me -- flickering all over the place. The DX11 path runs fine and fast (~120 FPS).
The DX12 version of the elemental tech demo ran fine for me, albeit a little slower than the DX11 version. Oddly enough, the DX11 version crashed the first time I ran it, and both times the graphics were screwed up a little. What looked like lens flares were shown several times that took up a large portion of the screen.
Will try on a 970 and post results

Getting weird flickering too in the Dx12 version, Dx11 version runs better but is missing some effects. Overall performance between 90 and 120 with some drops to 50~ in demanding scenes.
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Elemental Demo works fine on R9 290X in DX12. It seems to have slight stutters from time to time in DX12 and Afterburners OSD is not working in DX12 mode but frame limiter is :)