UBIsoft in potential financial trouble

Any statistics on that? What about games like the newer Tomb Raiders, or Control, or Returnal? Are these 'guys games' with female protagonists?

I cant pull up a study, but the numbers I´ve heard from people who have seen studies, show that for the types of console and PC games we´re usally talk about are its somewhere around a 85-15 or a 75-25 ratio.

And this really isnt no surprise. From what Ive seen all my life is that women generally arent as interessted in video games as men, and when they do play games its often nintendo type games. Like Johnny Awesome has pointed out, men and women generally like different things.

Same thing with star wars. Guys love star wars. Its a fantasy thats really appealing to us. Some girls like it, but not nearly as often, and from what I´ve seen they dont love it. There might be some exceptions but not nearly as much as guys do.
Do you have any statitics that support that star wars open world action games are played equally by both sexes? Since that claim goes angainst more or less everybodys life experience I would says its rather that claim that should be supported by stats.

Its not like a female protaganist cant work great for more male oriented games, they absolutely can. In some cases even better, I dont think Horizon would have worked as good with a male protaganist.

In this case however it seems to me they designed her to appeal to a cetain type of person rather than the target audience. People who have yearned for an open world star wars games have probably not dreamt about playing as soccer mom (who have had bad plastic surgery). Her super cute sidekick mascot does seem like something that are more appeling to women, rather than people who want to play as smuggler in the dark criminal underworld in the star wars universe. I saw that eating quicktime where they eat grilled corn togther, with al the cute animations the mascot did. That seem like a good example of what Im talking about.