I don’t think there are any benchmarks on the net, as speed is not the primary concern for the RenderMan users. The 0.1fps (6 seconds/frame) figure was from a scene with 28800 polygons with 9 lights and some not so simple displacement and surface shaders rendered at 1440x960 with 16x antialising. And this includes the parsing of the 2MB RIB file. Note that I used polygons, a very bad and unoptimized path. Using NURBS or other high level primitives will probably give faster times. Also I forgot to mention that, although the original SIGGRAPH ‘87 paper doesn’t mention it, the architecture defers the shading calculations, so the depth complexity is almost irrelevant to the rendering times.
In addition, consider that Prman doesn’t have any low level optimizations for the x86 market, because it targets a broad number of RISC processors. So, even if the theoretical flops of my machine are higher, I don’t believe that Prman is using much more than 1.5Gflop.
Also note that the expensive dicing stage can be performed by fast fixed function hardware.