

Professional Malcontent
Could anybody share with me exactly what the issue was?

Apparently in some of the photos of Thankgiving in Baghdad, Bush is holding a "fancy turkey", which from what I gather, was a plastic decoration piece and not a real turkey.

Somehow this has somebody's knickers in a twist, but I can't think of how or why.
No it was a real turkey but it was done up to be completely decorative and not meant to be eaten. The brouhaha arose apparently when Bush ate a specially prepared, i.e. spices and extra care with the cooking time, turkey while the rest of the troops got the normal dry stuff.

Frankly I couldn't care less. Just nit picking on something rather trivial.
Natoma said:
Bush ate a specially prepared, i.e. spices and extra care with the cooking time, turkey while the rest of the troops got the normal dry stuff.
I read he had eaten before hand on the plane flight over--though maybe thats what the person was picking on, in saying he didn't eat the military chow. Meh, more time to shake hands if you've already eaten.

Just nit picking on something rather trivial.

All-in-all, it does seem kinda silly, but it keeps making the rounds on a few of the weblogs I read. (Apparently the "plastic turkey" is now firmly entrenched as "fact" in the print media). I was just trying to figure out what the real outrage was.

Apparently a tempest in a teapot, as it were.