
Not to be picky, but i think mankind does understand very well what happened. There's just nothing we can do to predict what was going to happen. Earthquakes are just wild beasts, they happen randomly and prediction are almost impossible to make in most cases.
Toll 80k+ and climbing

Yeasterday I saw some home video footage on cnn/bbc, one was from Aceh and showed the destructive power of tsunami....

There are some miracle stories as well, one 20 days(?) old baby was found alive floating on a piece of furniture.

"Can CNN, BBC get away with this corpse show in ‘sensitive’ Manhattan?

After 9/11 they chanted privacy, sensitivity; Asian disaster open season to show bodies of men, women, children."
Deepak said:

"Can CNN, BBC get away with this corpse show in ‘sensitive’ Manhattan?

After 9/11 they chanted privacy, sensitivity; Asian disaster open season to show bodies of men, women, children."

MY GOD! "Sensitive Manhattan"??? America can be so politically correct sometimes it makes me sick. As if they're the only ones in the world to ever have seen mass destruction...
Deepak said:

"Can CNN, BBC get away with this corpse show in ‘sensitive’ Manhattan?

After 9/11 they chanted privacy, sensitivity; Asian disaster open season to show bodies of men, women, children."
Poor brown people in Sri Lanka can't/won't sue.

Rich bitches from Manhatten will.

But personally, I think distant, non-identifying shots are OK (yes, even of the WTC) to convey scope. Focusing on some guy jumping to his death or carrying his dead child is just gratuitous gruesomeness.
ya, don't show how bad it is. or how much it hurts.
it might break the bubble in which some people live.

dont show anything but Disney films and everything will be OK. :rolleyes:
silence said:
ya, don't show how bad it is. or how much it hurts.
it might break the bubble in which some people live.

dont show anything but Disney films and everything will be OK. :rolleyes:
Do you even read, or stop to think what was written or why?

Or do you simply like to insult?

Try it again, and I'll even annotate for your assistance:
I think distant, non-identifying shots are OK (yes, even of the WTC) to convey scope.
Notice: show the dead, even stacks of them, just don't identify them. Scope is an important part of the story.
Focusing on some guy jumping to his death or carrying his dead child is just gratuitous gruesomeness.
Close up, identifying shot of some poor guy grieving over his dead child or watching somebody close up jump to their death is insensitive, invasive, and gatuitious.

As adult humans, with family and friends and life experiences, we don't need the in your face grieving or gore to understand the story of losing a loved one. We've seen it before. Every one of us understands the loss enough that seeing it up close and personal is just morbid, and whatever extra understanding we gather isn't worth invading the privacy of those dying.

We do need, however, the scope of of the tragedy.

Or do you want to live in some Hollywood world where blood spurts everywhere and gore is all over the place?
RussSchultz said:
Or do you want to live in some Hollywood world where blood spurts everywhere and gore is all over the place?

Obviously not, and i despise journalists trying to make it big by showing gratuitous gore. But tryign to defend the Manhattan residents from the bad things happening in the world because they're all traumatised after 911 is just :rolleyes:
Russ.....i have no problems with showing WHAT happened and HOW it affected people. you vote for Disney version, i vote for real life version.

"be carefull not to distress people" while reporting on something that killed over 112000 people by now is .....i dun wanna flame.... we just disagree and thats it.

all i gonna say is....either report as it is or dont report at all and live in your bubble.

personally, i have seem more then nuff of even worse stuff during our wartime, so it doesnt bother me a bit.
a get this....that wasnt Hollywood....IT WAS REAL.
you know...like in real world... where people _DO_ cry for their childern or where there are mass graves and things....
Actually in the usa we never really showed dead people. I can't remember a time in my life that we have showed the dead on the news. I think it was the fact that the rest of the world came down on us for not showing anything in the wake of wtc that we started to show these images .

As for disney .... well I was pretty upset seeing bambis mother killed
I saw the footage this morning of the kids playing on the beach in Malaysia when the sea suddenly decided to rise up a couple of feet. :oops:

They showed the kids were ok later, but DAMN was that scary seeing the water come up like that! It wasn't a wave so much as a surge, but it looked deadlier than hell!

I kept thinking about Rev and his family watching it, I hope you and yours are ok. :?
OMG 130k dead... :(
i still cant believe that a few 30-15ft waves did that, man... hell knows no fury like the fury of mother nature....
mito said:
120k plus
I hate the way the media boil this whole tragedy down to just numbers. I doubt anyone who has lost loved-ones in this disaster thinks of their loss in such terms. Bloody media get *wood* for this kind of shit, you can almost hear them screaming 'Higher, higher'. :(
DOGMA1138 said:
i still cant believe that a few 30-15ft waves did that, man... hell knows no fury like the fury of mother nature....
If you think of a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in energy terms then it's easier to understand why it was so deadly. It's the equivalent energy release of detonating a Hiroshima-yield nuclear weapon every day for nearly 300 years (or you could boil nearly 32 trillion litres of water).