silence said:
ya, don't show how bad it is. or how much it hurts.
it might break the bubble in which some people live.
dont show anything but Disney films and everything will be OK.
Do you even read, or stop to think what was written or why?
Or do you simply like to insult?
Try it again, and I'll even annotate for your assistance:
I think distant, non-identifying shots are OK (yes, even of the WTC) to convey scope.
Notice: show the dead, even stacks of them, just don't identify them. Scope is an important part of the story.
Focusing on some guy jumping to his death or carrying his dead child is just gratuitous gruesomeness.
Close up, identifying shot of some poor guy grieving over his dead child or watching somebody close up jump to their death is insensitive, invasive, and gatuitious.
As adult humans, with family and friends and life experiences, we don't need the in your face grieving or gore to understand the story of losing a loved one. We've seen it before. Every one of us understands the loss enough that seeing it up close and personal is just morbid, and whatever extra understanding we gather isn't worth invading the privacy of those dying.
We do need, however, the scope of of the tragedy.
Or do you want to live in some Hollywood world where blood spurts everywhere and gore is all over the place?