Treamcast: portable ? dreamcast with tft


i have a monster

nice thing. didn't saw this before 8)
Sega should've licensed it to them as a cheap retro console...Bah...what have they got to loose? They could've made a nice bit on the side without incurring any manufacturing costs...China is a HUGE untapped market. :?
Even without adaptation for mobile, the SH-4 and PVR2DC are low heat dissipators and low power consumers.
Are these old dreamcasts with a new lcd screen, or dreamcast compatible systems? The system looks like a pirate dreamcast, and the controller looks like a saturn controller.
How in the hell do you use that controller with Dreamcast games? Christ, if you're going to cannibalize and create an illegal console, why not just keep the same damn controllers?
The only way to get the pvr chips is to canabalize an old dreamcast.

Actually I believe Hollys are still produced on a limited production for NAOMIs and the Atomiswave... (either that or there's a small stockpile with enough avaialability to meet the meager production demands)...

In either case, if SEGA wanted to mass produce the thing again as a cheap box for China, it wouldn't be too difficult to restart production... The biggest difficulty would probably having to bother cracking down in piracy and such, otherwise it wouldn't be cost effective to manufacture the boxes for the software revenue (probably isnt' anyways since the system is so easy to hack)..
It doesnt matter if they are being produced, I think it is really unlikely NEC is selling them to these guys at the moment.

As for piracy, you could make it pretty damn hard for the console to recognize standard CD-ROMs.
As for piracy, you could make it pretty damn hard for the console to recognize standard CD-ROMs.

True, but as long as your medium is still CD (or DVD) based and of relatively standard size it's also pretty easy to hack the system to read them...
Lazy8s said:
Even without adaptation for mobile, the SH-4 and PVR2DC are low heat dissipators and low power consumers.

I'm surprised - considering your worship of everything Sega and DC - you're not claiming the chipset is actually PRODUCING power! ;)

Anyway, define what you mean by "low" please, because the expression has different meanings depending on if you mean a portable device or a stationary. A stationary low-power device could still be a greedy SOB if made portable, and with the number of discrete chips in the DC I very much doubt it could be considered low-power in that context.
archie4oz said:
As for piracy, you could make it pretty damn hard for the console to recognize standard CD-ROMs.

True, but as long as your medium is still CD (or DVD) based and of relatively standard size it's also pretty easy to hack the system to read them...

Depends how much resources you are willing to spend on it. If you put hardware crypto in the drive chipset and the SH-4 I think you will agree it will get pretty damn hard for instance.
They have low enough power consumption that a device like this Treamcast is even practical in the first place. While this is something that could be expected of the more modest hardware from the previous generation of consoles, you wouldn't see a hack like this made of an Xbox or PS2.

Actual mobile variants of the SH-4 and PowerVR hardware, like the MBX, would of course be the optimal way to go for this.
Lazy8s said:
They have low enough power consumption that a device like this Treamcast is even practical in the first place. While this is something that could be expected of the more modest hardware from the previous generation of consoles, you wouldn't see a hack like this made of an Xbox or PS2.

Actual mobile variants of the SH-4 and PowerVR hardware, like the MBX, would of course be the optimal way to go for this.

Is MBX even compatible with the Neon250 chipset?

Anyhow, there are portable neses, the gameaxe. Don't think I remember anything like that for snes, genesis(besides nomad), or any other later systems though. Could be done with psone, n64 I think it's too big and gets pretty hot, and it could be done with gamecube. Does this treamcast even have a battery, I thought it was just a dreamcast with an lcd screen attached to it.
Lazy8s said:
They have low enough power consumption that a device like this Treamcast is even practical in the first place.

Why would that be the case? It doesn't run on batteries from what I've gleaned, and even if it did its battery life would be horrible. It's just a DC in a different shell with a backlit screen attached, you could do that with any console, old or new.

you wouldn't see a hack like this made of an Xbox or PS2.

You're such a Sega-worshipper! :) Why NOT?

Actual mobile variants of the SH-4 and PowerVR hardware, like the MBX

MBX most certainly isn't software compatible, so that would be pointless.
The MBX was just used as an example to show that the PowerVR architecture can make for a solution competitive in power/heat efficiency in the mobile market as well.

As hacks, these Treamcast-type devices are obviously awkward for mobility, but you could supply your own battery and not get a totally impractical amount of drain. I'm sure the other systems could potentially be rigged to run in the car off a cigarette lighter, but my point was just that those two DC processors were exceptional for low power/heat and also for price/performance in their class.
I dunno, a gamecube with an lcd screen is cheaper than this dreamcast, plus more powerful, and potentially drains less energy. Not sure about that, but they did actually make batteries for gamecube, guess roughly the size of a labtop battery, last about an hour and a half, which is what high power labtops last.

Not sure if you could power a ps2 or xbox plus a screen(with speakers) though, they definetely drain more power than any labtop. Well, maybe not the ps2s if they've upgraded the design, but I think the nv2a on the xbox could push it over the edge. Actually, now that I think about, gamecube's time is pretty low too, unless those high drain labtops actually last an hour, but those labtops have to power a larger screen, plus a harddrive....which probably uses less power than a constantly spinning disk drive....but they have ram which uses more power per megabyte and a lot more of it.