Transformers - Robots in Disguise


It seems that the Transformers movie is going ahead. I'm actually looking forward to it, since there was an advert on TV by Citroen that showed what could be achieved with today's special effects. Michael Bay gets some grief (rightly I think) for his movies, but if it's half as popcorny as The Rock then it'll be fun. At least Spielberg is involved.

Of course what I'm really waiting for is the Dinobots... but something tells me they won't appear in the first movie, if my Autobot timeline memory is correct. Here's hoping it's successful and we get a sequel!
I'd like to see that too, but only if its done properly.

But since Spielberg is involved, you'll have lots of touchy-feely shite in there like cute little kids, some cute clumsy animal or animal-like creature and a cheap love story, which will spoil all the fun anyway :(
_xxx_ said:
I'd like to see that too, but only if its done properly.

But since Spielberg is involved, you'll have lots of touchy-feely shite in there like cute little kids, some cute clumsy animal or animal-like creature and a cheap love story, which will spoil all the fun anyway :(
Hopefully he's not so attached to it that he'll do that.:p

I especially like this part:
We talked a little bit about Steven Spielberg and his role as producer on the film. Bay said that Spielberg was sitting in this very same meeting room a few short days ago brainstorming action scenes with Bay. Every word I've heard from sources close to the project say that Spielberg is very much a hands-on creative producer with this flick. Considering how Episode 3 seemed to benefit from Spielberg's input I can't imagine this is anything but great news for us Transformers fans.

Might not be half bad. It better not ruin my childhood though...
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I wonder why spielberg's lost all his courage these days. In his youth, his movies were pretty daring.

Jaws, close encounters, empire of the rising sun and so on were a lot grittier than almost anything he's made in the last ten years. Well, war of the worlds was pretty gritty, but I guess you'd like to point at the screaming 11yo girl in it, so I don't know how well that one works as an example... ;)

Then again, transformers always struck me as Some Random Dumb Stupid Shit even when I was a kid back in the 80s, probably just a disguised means to sell particular brands of cars. Maybe I wasn't quite young and gullible enough to get hooked on that crap. Then again, we didn't have any commercial TV channels at that time in my country showing those cheap and badly animated rubbish cartoons, maybe that explains a few things as well. :p
Guden Oden said:
Then again, transformers always struck me as Some Random Dumb Stupid Shit even when I was a kid back in the 80s, probably just a disguised means to sell particular brands of cars. Maybe I wasn't quite young and gullible enough to get hooked on that crap. Then again, we didn't have any commercial TV channels at that time in my country showing those cheap and badly animated rubbish cartoons, maybe that explains a few things as well. :p
Explosions come out of things that have a lot of moving parts=better playground topic then pokemon

In my humble opinion of course.:smile:
Guden Oden said:
Then again, transformers always struck me as Some Random Dumb Stupid Shit even when I was a kid back in the 80s, probably just a disguised means to sell particular brands of cars. Maybe I wasn't quite young and gullible enough to get hooked on that crap. Then again, we didn't have any commercial TV channels at that time in my country showing those cheap and badly animated rubbish cartoons, maybe that explains a few things as well. :p

It's just fun stuff, not meant to win an Oscar for the scripts :) Y'know, crash, burn, explode, bang, boom - toys for boys and stuff...
Oooh! If childhood cartoons are going to be made into movies this could mean we might see a rebirth of "Battle of the Planets"! That was just ace and it would be nice to see it in 3D, especially since NVidia nicked the "G-Force" moniker from them!
I was looking forward to this until they started talking about changing all the character designs to modernise them all (i.e. Soundwave "can't be a cassette player" now). Don't mess with my childhood damn you!!
I have such a hard time imagining Transformers as a feature film. I mean, sure, I loved it as a kid. I had my little Optimus Prime toy, along with a number of others. Watched the cartoon every time I saw it on. But the source content just strikes me as way too cheesy for a movie.

But hell, maybe it'll be fun :) Big robots, big guns, what's not to like?
Guden Oden said:
I wonder why spielberg's lost all his courage these days. In his youth, his movies were pretty daring.

Jaws, close encounters, empire of the rising sun and so on were a lot grittier than almost anything he's made in the last ten years. Well, war of the worlds was pretty gritty, but I guess you'd like to point at the screaming 11yo girl in it, so I don't know how well that one works as an example... ;)
You haven't seen Munich, or Saving Private Ryan? Never seen Band of Brothers (he only produced, though) ?
london-boy said:
Sorry to budge in, but does the movie kinda look like that Citroen advert?
No-one has seen any of the new robots move yet. I speculated that it could be good based on that Citroen ad.
Guden Oden said:
Then again, transformers always struck me as Some Random Dumb Stupid Shit even when I was a kid back in the 80s, probably just a disguised means to sell particular brands of cars. Maybe I wasn't quite young and gullible enough to get hooked on that crap. Then again, we didn't have any commercial TV channels at that time in my country showing those cheap and badly animated rubbish cartoons, maybe that explains a few things as well. :p

I'll agree, but only if you're prepared to throw whatever Stupid Shit you liked as a kid under the bridge as well. My lack of enthusiasm isn't due to hatred of TF -- in fact the TF comic was one of the better mainstream stories I've read -- but just general resistance when it comes to manufactured nostalgia. I don't want to be manipulated by these hacks my entire life -- so a few years ago I cut them off. But I don't go around dissing other peoples' vacuous escapism while flouting my own...
Rys said:
You haven't seen Munich, or Saving Private Ryan? Never seen Band of Brothers (he only produced, though) ?

That was all just total sci-fi. Utter crap of the worst, least realistic kind _ever_. Sincerely. Especially Saving Private Ryan. I laughed so hard during the beach scene, I just kept wondering if ANYONE would ever swallow that. I mean, if you're under a heavy gunfire, you _definitely_ wont run towards it standing upright, or would you? Ridiculous. Even the AI in Doom3 is better than that. And that's just one example of stupidity in that movie, there are many more.

Obviously, many people did swallow it, though. :???:
Rys said:
You haven't seen Munich, or Saving Private Ryan?
Not Munich, but I have shaving ryan's privates on DVD.

...Oops, that was in L-B's DVD collection I meant to say, haha! :LOL:

Actually, I never 'got' what's supposed to be so good about Ryan. So, it's a WWII movie. It's fairly OK by those standards. But the melodrama and strange factual inconsistencies in it (such as it makes it look as if the americans are the ones alone fighting back the nazi hordes), kind of disqualifies it from any true greatness. IMO.

Only seen glimpses of BoB. WWII stuff doesn't interest me all that much, unless it's got raising the dead, strange bio-mechanical monsters and deadly nazi vixens dressed in tight shiny leather and stiletto heels as part of the plot. ;)
Chalnoth said:
I have such a hard time imagining Transformers as a feature film. I mean, sure, I loved it as a kid. I had my little Optimus Prime toy, along with a number of others. Watched the cartoon every time I saw it on. But the source content just strikes me as way too cheesy for a movie.

Didn't your parents take you to see Transformers: The Movie? ;)
_xxx_ said:
I laughed so hard during the beach scene, I just kept wondering if ANYONE would ever swallow that. I mean, if you're under a heavy gunfire, you _definitely_ wont run towards it standing upright, or would you? Ridiculous. Even the AI in Doom3 is better than that. And that's just one example of stupidity in that movie, there are many more.
I was under the impression that vets from the Normandy landings agreed that the first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan are the most realistic depiction of that action ever put on film.
mcsven said:
I was under the impression that vets from the Normandy landings agreed that the first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan are the most realistic depiction of that action ever put on film.

You mean those who indeed realized that they have to duck and crouch when shot on?

Sure. :LOL:
_xxx_ said:
You mean those who indeed realized that they have to duck and crouch when shot on?

Sure. :LOL:

Have you ever been to a beach? Its pretty flat. From the photographs and footage that I have seen the only hope would have been to get to cover by running up the beach as quickly as possible. You stop / duck / crouch, you die. Sure, very funny :rolleyes: