Touching LCD's

Well I really like to caress lcd monitors my self.
I find it keeps both me and the lcd quite happy together :smile:
Alright alright. My friend was rubbing the hell out of my monitor yesterday and I told him to stop because it'll break the crystals, it's one of those urban myth things but I figure better safe then sorry. He said that it helps bring back pixels that have been "messed" up. There's a green "pixel" in my monitor that never changes. So, which is it, or neither?
I don't think it helps. Apple had a problem with their old powerbooks with whitespots. Apparently pressure exerted overtime from the back led to defective patches on the monitor. Example. Apple have since fixed the problem. Though I still forbid the touching of my monitors.

I also remember when i was a kid I used to rub the hell out of my calculator's monitor because I thought it was cool. Then one day the display was permanentky screwed, but i didn't care, I still thought it was cool. Simple things for a simple mind... ;)
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I used to rub magnets on tvs to get the cool discoloration effect.

Anyhow, my laptop LCD has lots of benefits to touching it, but it's also a tablet convertible.
I have heard it can fix dead pixels as well, but have not actually seen it work. I do not imagine that it would damage it if you are gentle, but if you push hard you can definitely damage it. Obviously it is a matter of pressure, so if you push on some narrow thing like a retcrated pen you will most likely destroy something, while your pad on your thumb is pretty wide in comparison.