Toshiba HD-DVD to be priced at $499

Keep in mind that those are retail prices for early adopters of new technology. Price in this cases has very little to do with cost.

Not that I think it is likely, nor do I really even care, but if MS wanted to incorporate HD-DVD into a v2 release of the 360, I doubt it would cost them more than a few tens of dollars, at the most. Maybe less if you assume that the cost of supporting logic chips, drive assembly, motors, etc. are about the same cost for DVD and HD-DVD and the only significant cost increase is for the laser and tracking mechanisms. Maybe $10 increase in 360 manufacturing cost.

Of course, that's just that much more money that they would lose per console on a console that already costs them a decent amount for every one sold. But still, it's not like it would cost them $500/console to put in those drives.

In any case, makes little difference to me. I don't think any games would ever support the increased storage capacity, and a console would never be my primary high definition media playback device.
Bigus Dickus said:
Of course, that's just that much more money that they would lose per console on a console that already costs them a decent amount for every one sold. But still, it's not like it would cost them $500/console to put in those drives.

If they wanted to I do not know why Toshiba will give permission because stand-alone drive and PC drive will be expensive as entire Xbox360 and Toshiba can make good money but for Xbox360 they cannot make so much money, maybe $20. With small manufacturing cost margin Toshiba will have big problem with getting ROI for development cost no? Sony does not care for Blu-Ray hardware profit because for Sony profit is in Blu-Ray movie and game sales. Maybe Toshiba will also have extra benefit of PS3 success for low price of CELL chips from large PS3 CELL production so profit for Toshiba for TV and other CELL device is more.
Yo, I don't know about only ten dollars. If that were the case for a violet-laser array, then you wouldn't hear *anything* about Sony's 'troublesome' cost structures getting Blu-ray into PS3.

Forgetting about the 360/HD-DVD, Blu-ray/PS3 situation for the moment, what can be said is that at the moment, it seems that Toshiba's offering up the cheapest HD player thus far announced with that $500 unit, with Samsung on the Blu-ray side with a $1000 unit.

@ihamoitc: The same logic applies for Toshiba - they're not looking to profit off hardware right now, they're looking for HD-DVD to win the format war.
Hardware costs for both formats will be recouped through IP sales over time - if one format wins out then it stands to collect the IP for the period of time it lasts.
No 1080p with the Toshiba model and no HD over component. Hmmm. No wonder its cheap.

I wonder what Blu-rays stance will be on HD over component, lately news seemed to indicate they would allow it.

And I wonder how much recorders will cost?
Nicked said:
No 1080p with the Toshiba model and no HD over component. Hmmm. No wonder its cheap.

For a first gen player thats not a big deal (no 1080p) since theres hardly any sets that can accept a 1080p signal ATM. By the time there are sets that CAN accept 1080p, there will be a newer cheaper player available.
Nicked said:
I wonder what Blu-rays stance will be on HD over component, lately news seemed to indicate they would allow it.

pretty sure you will need hdmi for both, since both formats are talking about needing secure monitors to watch them at full res on a pc
pegisys said:
pretty sure you will need hdmi for both, since both formats are talking about needing secure monitors to watch them at full res on a pc

Wasn't that put on hold though?

Whatever the answer, it's in 'Ones' recent thread on the region codes for blu-ray and HD-DVD.
pegisys said:
pretty sure you will need hdmi for both, since both formats are talking about needing secure monitors to watch them at full res on a pc

Not necessarily HDMI, your HDTV just needs to be HDCP(sp?) compliant. It's unfortunate for the people that don't have this though, but neither Sony nor Toshiba are to blame. It's mostly the movie studios that are forcing this.