Top 5 methods used to reduce bandwidth usage for RSX

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I seems to me that many seem a little less than impressed with the RSX due to the 128-bit memory controller. I have often heard terms such as a "crippled 7800" or "equivalent to a 7600" used in these forums.

My question is this. To bring the RSX closer to 7800/7900 levels what will be the top 5 methods used to reduce bandwidth usage on the 128-bit bus (Ex: more efficient forms of AA, pulling textures from RAMBUS memory)? Also are there any methods that may be used that aren't in use today (theory based methods)?
I always chuckle when I hear people complain about the RSX or compare it to the Xenos because it's obvious they've never used GSM Replay.
Butta the answers to your questions - so much as they are public - can be found through the search function.
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