Too Human interview

More off topic than on, but a nice read on SK:

The anticipated release of Too Human - delayed from the end of 2006 - has surpassed a mere cult following.

"It's exciting," Dyack said. "It's getting ready to come out of the dark and really make a splash very soon. I can't wait for it to come out."

Silicon Knights has another game with Sega to be announced "forthcoming." And the company is getting ready for another announcement. "We can talk about that one even less," Dyack said, smiling.
Edit - Just saw the new topic...

Blog update with two screens:

As some may have heard, we have been invited to join EGM on their podcast because of my previous “Ice Bucket” Blog. We have accepted their invitation and will join their podcast at GDC next week. I am looking forward to some healthy discussions there.

As well, we will be showing the world Too Human again in the near future. We currently have IGN visiting this month for an exclusive sneak peek into the world of Too Human.
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They appear to be cut scenes, but at least theyre looking better than the old stuff...


Denis Dyack is on this weeks EGM Live podcast. There's some comments from Shane on the podcast about the engine from things he's heard and he asked Denis if he could talk about it.

Shane - "When I saw the game a year ago, you had already talked about, because UE3 wasn't finished, your guys were going ahead and finishing parts of it yourselves, and turning it into something that really wasn't the Unreal Engine entirely"

"Can you talk about this at all?"

Denis - "Your not going to recognize it when you see it"

"We're doing 4x anti-aliasing and some pretty crazy stuff"

Other than that, he said he couldn't really comment on it at this time.
From listening to that podcast it seems Too Human should be coming out soon, Denis repeatedly mentions Too Human won't be shown until it's very close to completion, and then alludes to a showing within the next few weeks.
From listening to that podcast it seems Too Human should be coming out soon, Denis repeatedly mentions Too Human won't be shown until it's very close to completion, and then alludes to a showing within the next few weeks.

From magicbox:

UNCONFIRMED: Microsoft has pushed back the release date of Too Human to next year, the reason is that the game needs more development time than expected.
From magicbox:

UNCONFIRMED: Microsoft has pushed back the release date of Too Human to next year, the reason is that the game needs more development time than expected.

Pretty sure Denis already debunked this rumour on his blog.

Let the talk of a Too Human delay be put to rest. Denis stopped by IGN today to clear up some of the issues raised by Doug Perry's interview with Shane Kim. Denis's comments continue to echo what has been said over the last month or two and indicate that the game's showing is still planned.

Denis cleared things up again at IGN:

Denis Dyack:

I get back from GDC and look what I find.

Doug, you should visit with Matt and see the light. The invitation is open. I think you are taking what Shane said in the wrong way.

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