Tomb Raider Legend X360/PC screenshots



There's a few other new ones here:

They need to round out some of those rounded edges (knees, elbows, clothes, etc.) but its not looking half bad.
I think it was IGN who mentioned that her model is made of 20K polygons. I don't think they'll fix it at this point though.
Alstrong said:
I think it was IGN who mentioned that her model is made of 20K polygons. I don't think they'll fix it at this point though.

Too bad, its really holding this title back in the grfx department...

I like skin shaders and overall shape of her body ;)
But if this is 20K polys, how much more is needed to achieve "next-gen" model. I would go for 60K, like cars in pgr3 (if goes for car it goes for woman :D )
It looks plenty good enough for me to be comfortable with playing. That is, I would not be constantly distracted by it.
The further-away screens in general look better than the closeups, I think. More coverage of the backdrop, bloom is a little more subtle, and the texture resolution is more than sufficient at that point. I think actual in-gameplay will probably be more dominated by those kinds of view points anyway.
Lysander said:

I like skin shaders and overall shape of her body :wink:
But if this is 20K polys, how much more is needed to achieve "next-gen" model. I would go for 60K, like cars in pgr3 (if goes for car it goes for woman :grin: )[/QUOTE]

ShootMyMonkey said:
The further-away screens in general look better than the closeups, I think. More coverage of the backdrop, bloom is a little more subtle, and the texture resolution is more than sufficient at that point. I think actual in-gameplay will probably be more dominated by those kinds of view points anyway.

Good point.
These latest screenshots look decidedly better than the initial set. The character model is still quite bad, but all in all the game doesn't look nearly as fugly as before. Quite decent, even.
cool, thanks.

They need to fix her shadow... there's quite a bit of noise on the edges.

edit: Whoa, what was up with the low resolution press "A" button on-screen? :p

expletive: the shadowing looks quite similar to Halo 2's shadow buffers (where there were lights that casted dynamic and self-shadows in the game). Both games seem to show similar noise with the projected shadows at the edges. So... yes, it may be self-shadowing that you're seeing. :p
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Skin shader? What skin shader? You mean skin texture? I could only say there's a skin shader from seeing the real thing, but from the screens it looks very flat. Even as a texture, there's no detail, it looks gouraud shaded...
not that impressed with the graphics imho, but tomb raider has never been about graphics to me, always more about gamplay ofcourse which i did get to love on the early ps1 versions.
But why have they changed Lara's looks? Now she looks like a completely different person (judging by her CGI-looks from the first 2 games, of course). :(