To any programmers here

darkblu said:
and just when you decide that incredibuild is your best friend you discover it's been cheating on you with devstudio's crippled dependencies. so back to good old manual rebuild-all. the worst thing is that with time you develop such a strong paranoia that you cease to distinguish when the tools failed you and when it was your own error.

I can only say I'm sooo happy that I use GNU Make + GCC so that I get automatic re-building the dependancies on every compile :)
Fafalada said:
Assuming that the said company rep. has a decent idea what they actually want - which during my experience in the field(before I worked in games) was not very often at all.
That was the time when I learned the term "custom built" application apparently gave the customer freedom to completely change their minds about the application spec. about 5 times a minute.

Isn't it practice to get the customer to sign off on their requirements before you begin working on your analysis and then design? That way you can demand the big dollars if they ask you to change something half way through your design phase.
Simon F said:
I can only say I'm sooo happy that I use GNU Make + GCC so that I get automatic re-building the dependancies on every compile :)

It's such a shame that things have not progressed as much with others' tool-chains.
Simon F said:
I can only say I'm sooo happy that I use GNU Make + GCC so that I get automatic re-building the dependancies on every compile :)

well, i've been enjoying the simple pleasure of correct builds myself through jam and xcodebuild on select platforms. and regardless of how little it may have been compared to my day job experience, it still has helped me retain my sanity to date *..nervous gigglish grin..*