TitanFall 2 [Multiplatform]

I'm guessing they'll skip Titanfall 1 on PS4 and they'll just have had the full team working on Titanfall 2 for PS4, X1, PC. They still had a lot of plans for engine upgrades, so I'm assuming they'd just get Titanfall 2 right, rather than worry about a port at the same time.
Titanfall 1 was released on march 11, 2014 so I boldly assumed a standard 1 year exclusivity...
I think the events played out that at one point time you were probably correct. They ran out of money and needed more funding and support in which EA refused, so MS stepped in and gained full exclusivity over the first title.

That being said, I think PS4 owners can look forward to TF2, there's really no point in looking forward to TF1 at this point in time, unless TF2 isn't coming until 2016+
But why are talking to me about a Titanfall 1 release on PS4 guys?

We are on Titanfall 2 thread...I am talking about Titanfall 2 release date on PS4. :-|

But I admit it's entirely my fault because my previous post wasn't really well worded. :mrgreen:
I'm guessing they'll skip Titanfall 1 on PS4 and they'll just have had the full team working on Titanfall 2 for PS4, X1, PC. They still had a lot of plans for engine upgrades, so I'm assuming they'd just get Titanfall 2 right, rather than worry about a port at the same time.

If pubs are perfectly willing to port over last gen titles, whats stopping them from porting over an previously exclusive current gen title?

A port of TF1 would be a greater primer for deving TF2 on the PS4
I'm guessing they'll skip Titanfall 1 on PS4 and they'll just have had the full team working on Titanfall 2 for PS4, X1, PC. They still had a lot of plans for engine upgrades, so I'm assuming they'd just get Titanfall 2 right, rather than worry about a port at the same time.

I was expecting it to beat CODs, but since it isn't making any buzz right now a new game will be a much better prospect than working on a ps4 version of a game whose buzz has died. Lets see what they do, I say bring some anti-mech mechs , as in zipping vehicles and stuff. Let us have fun any way we want. Bring the same fluidity of movement to small vehicles too. I will be waaaay more interested then ! But yeah, i am not a average COD fanboy so my opinion might not be the best one to follow.
But why are talking to me about a Titanfall 1 release on PS4 guys?

Probably because you are the only one (on the planet?) that seems to think it's even remotely possible to have a release of this caliber of a game (Titanfall 2) within a couple weeks from now without anyone knowing about it... It's pretty preposterous assumption that something like that could happen, whereas Titanfall 1 getting a quiet PS4 release one year after the original, while also being very unlikely, is still a couple order of magnitudes more likely than Titanfall 2 just popping out of nowhere AND your post was worded terribly.

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If pubs are perfectly willing to port over last gen titles, whats stopping them from porting over an previously exclusive current gen title?

A port of TF1 would be a greater primer for deving TF2 on the PS4

Probably because their contract with Microsoft likely prohibits the game from appearing on a Playstation console? Such wording likely because Microsoft helped fund the development of the game. Similar to how Bloodborne, even if it eventually sees a PC release (highly unlikely), would never see an Xbox release due to Sony either fully or partially funding the development of the game.

This isn't the same as timed exclusivity being paid for or as the case last generation the PS3 just didn't exist when the game went into development, as development of those titles were fully funded by the publisher/developer.

Titanfall 2 will be completely funded by EA/Respawn, so they'll be able to release it however they wish. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft attempted to buy timed exclusivity for TF2. And even if they got that. They'd never be able to get the same exclusivity deal as they got with the first TF.

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Probably because their contract with Microsoft likely prohibits the game from appearing on a Playstation console? Such wording likely because Microsoft helped fund the development of the game. Similar to how Bloodborne, even if it eventually sees a PC release (highly unlikely), would never see an Xbox release due to Sony either fully or partially funding the development of the game.

How is it similar to Bloodborne? That's Sony's IP being develop by Studio Japan and From. Bloodborne isn't a moneyhat, its a Sony game.
Yeah, Sony is co-developing and publishing Bloodborne. MS simply 'helped fund' Titanfall. Not the same at all.

Just like Microsoft published Titanfall? Yup not the same at all. Sure there are differences. Sony contributed funding right from the start. Microsoft contributed funding at some point during development. Sony owns the IP just like they did with Demon's Souls. But the followups still showed up on Xbox and PC. Just with a different name, but basically the same game. I imagine the same will happen with Bloodborne. It'll just have a very slightly different name set in a Victorian-esque setting featuring werewolves and other monsters.

Huh? Titanfall is published by EA, not MS.

Titanfall - published by EA, developed by Respawn, aided by MS' funding partway through development
Bloodborne - published by Sony, co-developed by Sony Japan Studios/FromSoftware, funded by Sony from the start

Not seeing too many similarities there. Street Fighter V would probably be a better example.

late edit: Dark Souls =/= Demon's Souls.
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Semantics. Sequel, follow-up, spiritual successor, whatever you want to call it, Dark Souls is quite clearly the 'next' Souls game after Demon Souls.
Just like Microsoft published Titanfall? Yup not the same at all. Sure there are differences. Sony contributed funding right from the start. Microsoft contributed funding at some point during development. Sony owns the IP just like they did with Demon's Souls. But the followups still showed up on Xbox and PC. Just with a different name, but basically the same game. I imagine the same will happen with Bloodborne. It'll just have a very slightly different name set in a Victorian-esque setting featuring werewolves and other monsters.


This is wishful thinking at best. Demon Souls and Dark Souls are not the same series or IP, and From went to a different publisher to do Dark Souls because Sony initially didn't believe in Demon Souls as an IP (they didn't even publish it outside of Japan). Bloodborne is Sony's IP through and through, and From will likely be creating bad blood between them and Sony if they try to do with that game what they did with Demon/Dark Souls. I don't think they'll be willing to do that when Sony will be so willing and happy to fund Bloodborne sequels into the next generation provided the first game does well (which it will).

The above is nothing like the TitanFall situation, as others have said.

Eitherway, I don't think anyone would care about playing TF1 when TF2 is around the corner. I meant it's a MP game with no meaningful SP campaign to speak of. So it's not like Mass Effect for example where to play 2 you really want to have followed the story of the first game.

There's no reason for EA to waste money or dev time on ports of TF1. Just focus on the sequel.
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No it's barely even been finally officially acknowledged a few days ago. We just know it officially exists and will be multiplatform including Playstation.

Saw a tweet I totally agreed with from an IGN editor though. They hoped for a campaign in Titanfall 2, even if it's just 4-6 hours, because it would be great with those mechanics. Couldn't agree more.

More or less a campaign is what it would take to put a Titanfall 2 on my purchasing radar. That simple. I'm not a big MP guy as is and if I did play any Halo and Destiny would be first in line.