

If you have a 360 download this demo and check it out. I had never heard about this game and then I got blindsided by it. Aside from Bioshock, this has been one of the best demo's to hit Live in some time!

To me, everything was well done. The "time shift" thing was cool since it allows differnent things. The rain effects were nice and explosions well done. Didn't notice any framerate issues and there are times with a lot of action going on. I mean A LOT!

The crossbow fired like the one in HL2 but had the explosion effect of the torque bow from Gears. With tons of zoom! I'll wait for reviews of the final game but so far I liked everything I saw.
the destructible environments (blow holes in walls etc) and such are pretty freakin cool and the textures (especially on the characters) are some of the best I've seen.

Did not really get into the game play though but there is eye candy galore.
I remember playing the crappy PC demo from way back...glad to see they went back and reworked it into something much better. :)

(For those that don't know, Timeshift was put on hold and essentially redeveloped because the devs didn't like where it was at and the publisher agreed)
It's like prince of persia meets gears of war meets F.E.A.R. but it adds it's own style and balance. I played the demo only on elite and it's AWESOME how fun the game is if you get into it. Like most games with time control, the first thing you need to realize is that you have to be strategic with how you use time and with the different time effects you can do and the different moves you have and the destructible environments that makes every firefight interesting. It's pretty rare that you play an fps with no lame gunfights in the demo but this managed to do that.

the graphics are also really nice, the filters, lighting, normal mapping, and especially the textures are awesome.