Bouncing Zabaglione Bros.
Nathan said:How would it do that? Isn't the navigation system fused into rock 5 metres underground along with the time-travellers?
Something has to turn up first to make sure the traveller will end up in the right place. I guess you could beam some sort of ship into orbit around the Earth, then have it send the coordinates back in time to the time-machine in the present. That still doesn't solve the potential problem of suddenly appearing and having all the air that was in your place get mixed up with your body.
No it doesn't. If you're going to theorise about "magic" technology like time travel, then you can easily make it "magic enough" to get you to the right place in space as well as time. If you can travel through the timelines of probability, why not be able to sense them coming as you move towards them? Sense the actions you need to take to get you to where you need to go without landing in a rock.
Cars and planes navigate themselves via their pilots and internal systems, why wouldn't a time & space machine? It just as likely as being able to throw some kind of beacon through millions of miles of space and thousands of years and have it be able to signal to the other end across all that distance.