This short podcast is so funny..."SONY stop pounding and pounding with bad news!"

Why don't you just tell us what it says instead? I can't make sense of the short quote you offered, it looks broken, grammatically.
Its formal enough for translation. Its like a 2 minute phone call into a radio talk station. Except this is about a game console and its an eccentric teen.

K? Buh-buh-bye!
Guden Oden said:
Why don't you just tell us what it says instead? I can't make sense of the short quote you offered, it looks broken, grammatically.

It's some guy calling into Gamespots "Hotspot" podcast, and he goes into this rant of frustration at Sony. The comedy is how he verbalizes and screaches his words.
Is there a point this side of Release Day where this starts to turn around for Sony? If so, what would that point be? Because right now it's gotten to what I've taken to referring to as "Dumping the daily bucket of sh*t on Sony's Head". I can't recall ever having seen anything quite like it.

Which, btw, is not to say the steady drumbeat of doom n' gloom now will have a long term impact. They're going to sell all they can make initially anyway. The pent-up demand from loyalists is too high for any other result. And after that point the the actual machine and the games for it will be the determining factors.

Just listened to it funny as hell. I am of the opinion that a person who buys a 600usd console is either rich or lacks common sense.

Let's hear what sony defenders have to say.