The Washington Post reports on the latest GOP strategy to wear down support for the leading Democratic candidates -- make them and their allies debate and vote on divisive issues in Congress. "Republicans plan to use Congress to pull Sen. John F. Kerry and vulnerable Democrats into the cultural wars over gay rights, abortion and guns, envisioning a series of debates and votes that will highlight the candidates' positions on divisive issues, according to congressional aides and GOP officials."
The strategy is in full force today, as John Kerry and John Edwards have to interrupt their Super Tuesday campaigning to return to Washington for votes on gun legislation. From the Post: "A top Edwards aide said the senator is "not thrilled" to be voting on gun control one week before southern states such as Texas hold their primaries. Kerry, who has missed every Senate vote this year -- plus several key votes last year -- canceled a Florida campaign event tonight to be on hand for the gun votes, several of which are expected to be close."
"Republicans openly welcome the discomfort that votes on issues such as gun control might cause Kerry, Edwards and other Democrats, now and later this year. 'The Senate floor is full of bear traps,' said Eric Ueland, deputy chief of staff to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.)."