The Outfit Demo for 360 is ready


Just wanted to let all the XB 360 owners know that the demo for The Outfit is available for download. It weighs in about 450mb I believe. It is multiplayer only no single player.

I will update with some opions after I put some game time in it. Would appreciate any input others have as well.

This should hold some over till GRAW :)
Meh. Looks about as good as Mercenaries did on the original Xbox, but in higher resolution. Vehicles drive strangely, water does an insta-kill on you.
6/10 - not my game
The water instant kill thing is just weird.

As a game it has promise areas but doesnt quite get there I think.

Not sure maybe the single player would be better.
The water instant kill thing is so they can use water to break up the map making you go around the water instead of simply being able to move from any one point to another on the map.

As for the game in general; I wasn't impressed at first, but once I started to get a grip on the gameplay and found other players that had done the same, I had great fun. Graphics aren't the best by any means and controls are a bit lacking as well; but the stratigy of comanding a squad and capturing and stratigic locations with various resorces in the middle of playing a 3rd person shooter makes for some intense battles. It just takes a while to get to know what you are doing enough to be able to manage heavy action, I highly recomend that anyone who didn't aprecate the demo go back and try split screen with your oponent just sitting lame so you can read though all the tips and experement with the gameplay before trying to take on others who know how to play the game.
I'm gaving fun with it, the GFX look good in HD, nothing great but nice detailed texturs, nice lighting and shadowing, no jaggies, you can blow up anything.

The MP is pretty fun, the controls are definately poor though, driving controls and physics are very bad, but it seems like a fun game.
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kyleb said:
but the stratigy of comanding a squad and capturing and stratigic locations with various resorces in the middle of playing a 3rd person shooter makes for some intense battles.

Sounds quite a bit like playing KUF (sans the army of soldiers). :)
It's not really like KUF at all.

Basically you get a squad of 4 or 5 guys that follow you around, and can take orders. Each type of character can issue different orders, and have different abilities(machine gun, sniper, bazooka).

You run around blowing things up and killing people accumulating points, with these points have the ability to call in all kinds of equipment just like mercenaries, machine guns, anti tank guns, trucks, halftracks, airstrikes, artillery strinkes, reinforcements, etc etc

In the MP game in the Demo,there are strategic locations to try and capture and hold, and they give you extra abilities. If you capture one of the radio towers for example, you can call in air strikes and use wiretaps on the opposing team. If you capture the armory, you can produce top end machine and anti-tank weapons, if you capture the tank building you can create tanks. Additionally, you can always order in reinforcements if your squad is depleted.

The teams fight back and forth over these locations until one team has captured all spawn points, or the first team to have it's points reach zero loses, you gain/lose points depending on how many strategic locations you hold.

It's fun, I like setting up a 70mm anti-tank gun and just blasting the enemy base until their entire wall crumbles away, with the bigger guns you can literally destroy anything on the map which is good fun.
Still sounds like KUF with commanding different armies around the map while you do your own thing with your character and the group assigned to your character. i.e. strategy game mixed with single character play. Note you can also call in reinforcements in a more limited fashion in KUF (you have to have those reinforcements selected before mission start in order to use them in-game).

I wouldn't say there is no similarity "at all" ;) Similar idea, just adapted to modern warfare, taking a a couple steps further with the reinforcements. In no way am I saying they copied KUF. It's just that I thought there were similar fundamental ideas there.
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Alstrong said:
Still sounds like KUF with commanding different armies around the map while you do your own thing with your character and the group assigned to your character. i.e. strategy game mixed with single character play. Note you can also call in reinforcements in a more limited fashion in KUF (you have to have those reinforcements selected before mission start in order to use them in-game).

I wouldn't say there is no similarity "at all" ;) Similar idea, just adapted to modern warfare, taking a a couple steps further with the reinforcements. In no way am I saying they copied KUF. It's just that I thought there were similar fundamental ideas there.
Well I played both KUF's, I really don't see any similarity! You can't actually control your troops at all, just tell them to do little extra's like blow up a vehicle. Also your squad is just 4 dudes.

It's much more like mercenaries than anything else. Mercenaries / Star Wars battlefront / Army Men would describe this game well.
anyone playing this on a vga cable?

it tells me to switch to 60hz pal..... but now that i'm using vga there's no such option
rusty said:
anyone playing this on a vga cable?

it tells me to switch to 60hz pal..... but now that i'm using vga there's no such option

theres a work around.. just change the hd cable to tv mode.. then you can change to pal 60.. and then you can switch it back to hd. You may have to restart the console.
well scratch that... my console just died.

the coffin from ms is on it's way :(

why did it have to die just before GR3 is on it's way? why couldn't it have died last week?
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Well my first impressions were kind of low of this game. There was noticable lag with anything over 2 vs 2 (although this is a demo). I was disappointed in the graphics but I thought I read in IGN that they dumbed down the graphics in multiplayer but man isnt this the Xbox 360? The insta water death and A.I. was annoying as well. Oh and the vehicle handling was just plain awful IMO.

Now that I did sort of tear this game apart I can see some potential on a larger map with players who know how coordinate strategy could make for a good time. Right now I will probably end up giving this game a rent first because although I thank THQ for giving us a Demo, they should of gave us a little more taste of the game. (least another map or two).

Many of my friends were turned off right away from the game but as I have played it, it has grown a "little" on me. There were some games that I did have a great time playing (not just if we won) but those certain games where teams work well together and make for a very engaging game on both sides. As I said prior probably a rent a see for me at this point.

P.S. I found out you can repair the bridge in case no one knew you could :)