The Order: 1886

VGleaks just blew their load, few screenshots and 2 gifs. Site crashed down HARD. So far only these few things were rehosted in time.

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Its good to see a non-launch window game built from the ground up and solely for next gen. This is looking great.
I'm just gonna say it now and i hope you guys don't get insulted or mad when i say it:

This game's in game graphics looks like late 1990s to early 2000 CG. I'm not kidding, With this kind of rendering, it almost looks like PS4 could totally replicate Legend of Dragoon's/FF9's CG cut scenes, or even FF The Spirits Within in real time! (aww i made myself sad thinking about a proper AAA JRPG with Agni's level graphics :( )

That's absolutely insane, the leap we've already gotten less than a year into the lifecycle of the PS4 is absolutely massive based on what i've seen of RAD's work, and they aren't even top tier! This is their first console game ever(of course with SM helping them with engine work), i can't wait to see what the bigger more seasoned console developers have in store for us when pushing the limits of the PS4 down the line!
of course you can. the soft physics obviously apply to the clothes as well, how they bend and sway realistically depending galahand's positioning and velocity
those are predefined animations. I'm not really sure what your expecting destruction wise out of this game. cover can be deformed and broken in real time, and certain objects as well
IMO the HUD definitely breaks the cinematic feel.
What a pity.

Oh well, at least it's not static and "wobbles" a bit and it's also quite minimal is its design.
Of course it would be great if we could turn it off.
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I hope we get more than just a 2min trailer tonight, I want a juicy fresh batch of screenshots ductaped with a good 10min play through of a small section. Tell me internet, am I asking too much?
One journalist mentioned on GAF that he has prepared a new trailer, a impressions video with b-roll footage, bigass transcribed interview with devs and around 20 screenshots.

I dont belive we will really get 10 min playthrough video, its still early for that. We will get B-roll snippets from longer presentation. Longer videos will arrive from the showfloor of E3. :)

We are little more than 6 hours away from info dump.
Well sounds like we will get something then, this really reminds me of folks waiting for that infamous Killzone 2 gameplay unveil in 2007 where expectations are insanely through the roof:). I'll see if I shall relive the same moment.