We all know the old bit about your refresh rate is how many times a second the monitor refreshes the screen. With V-sync enabled your video card displays one frame per monitor refresh, hence 60Hz = 60FPS Max in a game. Optimally you would want to play games with V-Sync enabled, since with it disabled what you see is still limited by the refresh rate of the monitor, hence vertical tearing. So at a 85Hz Refresh you will never see more than 85 of the rendered frames that the video card puts out per second regardless of your Vsync setting. Am i correct here in my thinking ?
But the thing that has me wondering, is..
With V-Sync enabled, is the actual rendering process taking place in the card matching the vertical refresh rate ? Or is the card still rendering above and beyond the refresh rate but is only outputting to match the monitor's rate ?
And is the myth that with the Vsync enabled on a card, does that mean it raises the minimum FPS since the card does not have to work so hard to maintain a higher FPS true at all ?
hope these are valid questions
But the thing that has me wondering, is..
With V-Sync enabled, is the actual rendering process taking place in the card matching the vertical refresh rate ? Or is the card still rendering above and beyond the refresh rate but is only outputting to match the monitor's rate ?
And is the myth that with the Vsync enabled on a card, does that mean it raises the minimum FPS since the card does not have to work so hard to maintain a higher FPS true at all ?
hope these are valid questions