The Official, Long Awaited, TV Shows Thread

So weird that when they started talking about “the British guy” after a few episodes, I though Wait, who??? Only after a bit I realised they were talking about Butcher, and his accent slowly kinda changed... WEIRDDDD

I assumed that was a joke about dumb ignorant Americans that do not know accents and assume everyone who isn't American must be British. The entire bit works better that way. :cool:
I forgot to mention Netflix's Black Mirror series. I generally watch episodes in order for series, even shows that don't require it, but the season 1 episodes are more disturbing than entertaining. I was about to give up watching any more of the series, but some recommended to give the USS Callister (S04E01) a chance. It's very good. If you only watch a single episode from the series, make it this one!
It would probably be just another CW generic hero show without all that "filth" that makes Legion a truly unique experience. I wouldn't want it any other way and I'm glad it has continued with anything but safe shows being cancelled.

Speaking of cancelling interesting shows, The OA is forever gone :(
Season 3 just ended yesterday of Legion, go ahead and binge.

Sorry to hear about the OA, second season was much better than the first I thought and I really was interested to see where they were going. :(
It would probably be just another CW generic hero show without all that "filth" that makes Legion a truly unique experience. I wouldn't want it any other way and I'm glad it has continued with anything but safe shows being cancelled.

Some filth is okay but when you're at 95% filth you have a problem.
I see there is a new mindhunters season and I am currently watching the second Working Moms season and it’s even better than the first, really fun.

Oh and I watched Wu Assassins, pretty fun, and Mr Iglesias, very old school sitcom, pretty shallow but amusing, and all of Bleach, because my son watched it and I had nothing better to watch. It was actually pretty good I think.
Chernobyl: Obviously was very good. Watched it with my wife who usually doesn't want to watch what I watch hehe. But she was really into Chernobyl.

The naked director: Watched the first episode yesterday. Really fun and very different from all the super low quality crap usually aired on TV here. Even the wife liked it. Guess watching Chernobyl together helped.

Recommend checking this one out. Though (needless to say?) there is a lot of sex, boobies etc. So the people-getting-headshotted-on-primetimetv-is-ok-but-show-a-nipple-and-my-kid-is-ruined-for-life crowd might want to consider when and where they watch this.

Gilmore girls: After 4 or 5 years finally finished the original series. Third or fourth time I watched it and somehow I really love it. Funny thing is I've been watched with the wife from when we started dating till after we got married.

Still one episode left on the 4 episode special Netflix made and while it's alright it's not as good as the original.

Knightfall: I managed to watch the first two episodes and quit. God this is bad.

Ray Donovan: Started watching this instead of knightfall. Much better though not one of those super great shows but it has good pacing and plenty of stuff seems to happen.

The 100: Finished watching the latest season. Lots of stuff happening again. One thing I kind of dislike is how each season starts off a bit slow and by the time it picks up and all sorts of things start happening and you get really into it, the season is over.

Thunderbirds: Started watching this out of nostalgia. The pacing is slow by today's standards but otherwise I'd say it holds up pretty well. The models and special effects still look cool. You just can't do that with CGI.

American crime story: the people vs OJ Simpson: This one was really good. Definitely can recommend it.
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Ray Donovan: Started watching this instead of knightfall. Much better though not one of those super great shows but it has good pacing and plenty of stuff seems to happen.
Stick with it, one of my favorite shows of the past several years. Liev Schreiber has won several big awards for his performance. I really enjoy the family and stories though it's certainly not for everyone, you really have to take them for what they are, really fucked up by their past and prone to making the same mistakes over and over.
Stick with it, one of my favorite shows of the past several years. Liev Schreiber has won several big awards for his performance. I really enjoy the family and stories though it's certainly not for everyone, you really have to take them for what they are, really fucked up by their past and prone to making the same mistakes over and over.

The family/domestic side feels like a heavy prevalent element of everything produced in the last 20 years and I'm struggling with it now. It was done well in earlier series of 24 and, of course, The Sopranos, and it was done well in GTA V but it's becoming a bit tropey to have a plot about X but the lead(s) has to deal with <insert issue> with his SO/ex-SO/child/sibbling/dog/cat. It feels like writers can resort to this because they can't come up with with another have a TV show not just about one thing.

Liked Ray Donovan though!

edit: having reflected, and being late to anime in general, I think this is why I'm enjoying some anime so much - it's just bucking the tends of mainstream TV and writing. It's difficult to find good TV that is trying something new.
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The family/domestic side feels like a heavy prevalent element of everything produced in the last 20 years and I'm struggling with it now. It was done well in earlier series of 24 and, of course, The Sopranos, and it was done well in GTA V but it's becoming a bit tropey to have a plot about X but the lead(s) has to deal with <insert issue> with his SO/ex-SO/child/sibbling/dog/cat. It feels like writers can resort to this because they can't come up with with another have a TV show not just about one thing.

Liked Ray Donovan though!

edit: having reflected, and being late to anime in general, I think this is why I'm enjoying some anime so much - it's just bucking the tends of mainstream TV and writing. It's difficult to find good TV that is trying something new.

I’ve totally replaced TV shows with Anime lately. Firstly because I’ve finished whatever I wanted to finish already, TV-wise. And at the same time there are quite a few utterly amazing anime series that I’ve missed and trying to get through now!
Against my better judgment, I'm watching the last season of Legion now. I must say they could and should have cut out 60 - 100 minutes from of the first 4 episodes.
I'm almost through the fifth episode of "The Rook" since someone mentioned it. I'd never heard of it, looked it up, and been hooked since.

Thank you, great stuff! :D

I’d be very surprised if the OA isn’t picked up again at some point. Maybe in a different dimension.
I like the fan theory that this is just a teaser/promo for season 3 since it's in "our" reality where the show had to be cancelled since the lead actress was injured falling on set. :)
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