The hell called Facebook pages

What an utter, utter piece of shit is facebook pages. Damn to hell the assholes that built this system and actually thought it would be something people wanted to use. Never ever did I use a system that is so fundamentally broken as facebook pages.

Want to know why? I want to connect my website to facebook for comments. No big deal, I use wordpress and there are a million plugins that do this. So I created a company page as it's a company website and obviously I don't want my own profile linked with that.

But here comes the catch, all those plugins require you to create an app on FB but a Facebook page can't create an app! Nowhere does Facebook tell you this and you can check out all the tutorials and dev section etc but all links will just link back to your profile without them ever telling you that you can't actually create an app.

So why is this? I have no clue. I can't think of any reason why. Basically it turns the whole facebook pages thing in a useless piece of shit. It's like a normal profile only a lot less functional!

So how to solve suckerberg's goons incompetence? Well apperantly you can link a normal profile to the page in some way and get it working like that. However no matter what I try I can't get my profile linked to the page.

I've spent the past 2 days trying to figure all this shit out and I'm getting nowhere. Why the fuck does facebook make it so hard to get anything done?? Seriously everything they do and come up with only fucks users, nothing works in a logical way or gives you functionality you actually want.

So basically I will have to create a duplicate account (which facebook doesn't want you to do) just do be able to do what should have been able from the company page as well.

It's just stupid.
They have no customer support department you can contact?

(Who am I kidding? This is the company that refuses to pull down the pages of dead people when the family asks them to...)
They don't have any customer support.

Not that it would matter, because the system is designed to work (well, not work would be a better description) like this. Also making a extra account doesn't work because it gets marked as a extra account right away even after phone activation. So basically there is no other option than to use your personal profile.
Yeah a few months ago I tried to create a company FB account but couldn't figure out a way to get it to work. I have a personal FB account but don't want it linked with my company's FB account.
If you log out you can create a new page withouth having to link it to your personal account. But you will lose the ability to use a lot of the website connectivity like facebook comments because you can't make FB apps from a company page. You need a private account for that.