The evidence that Xenon Block Diagram is a fake.

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I am so shocked that people here take that Xenon diagram seriously, when it is so obviously a fakery. Let me point out what's wrong with this thing...


1. CPU clockspeed : 3.5 Ghz?? So obvious it's a fake.
2. (7) 33.2+ GB/s read bandwidth : Since when the GPU core directly reads L2 cache from CPU???
3. (6) eDRAM bandwidth : 64 bit color and Z??? Why such an overkill for a console? ATI would have disabled this feature for XGPU2 even if R500 had one to save a few transistors.
4. (5) GPU performance overview : Max Throughputs Per Cycle : 1 vertex, 1 triangle, 2 pixelquads per cycle???? Is this supposed to be a R500 or Flipper Turbo???

I suggest others to look into it and find the hints of fakery....
I am not saying the picture is true, but your points are a bit weak.

2. (7) 33.2+ GB/s read bandwidth : Since when the GPU core directly reads L2 cache from CPU???
At the very least, ever since Nintendo Game Cube was released.

3. (6) eDRAM bandwidth : 64 bit color and Z??? Why such an overkill for a console?
You might want to read up a few graphical papers to see why high precision framebuffers are usefull. It's most certainly not overkill. (128bit color might be, although I am sure noone would complain if the option existed).

4. (5) GPU performance overview : Max Throughputs Per Cycle : 1 vertex, 1 triangle, 2 pixelquads per cycle???? Is this supposed to be a R500 or Flipper Turbo???
You just said it - this is a console. 4+ GPixels sounds like plenty to me (8+ for stencil operations) - given the rather high shader throughput also indicated by the diagram, it should really be plenty.

At the very least since Nintendo Game Cube was released.
Flipper reads Gecko's L2 cache???

You might want to read up a few graphical papers to see why high precision framebuffers are usefull. It's most certainly not overkill. (128bit color might be, although I am sure noone would complain if the option existed).
Would you rather have a 64-bit color or 2X resolution???? You can't even tell GC's 24-bit pixels and Xbox's 32-bit poxels apart on NTSC TV set...

You just said it - this is a console. 4+ GPixels sounds like plenty to me (8+ for stencil operations)
Not if you are running cycle-burning pixel shaders. You certainly can't do XNA or nV40 demo stuffs with a spec like this...
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