Uhh..When publishers get them printed. They pay the license fee per disc printed regardless of whether the disc sells or not. If Game X is made, 200,000 copied printed, and yet never distributed to the store shelves, the publisher still needs to pony up about $2 million bucks to the console company.
Are you sure about this, or did you just make this up?
Im pretty sure that Sony\Microsoft only charge % of revenue (in other words, x amount usd per disc sold).
I know that back in the days, Nintendo got money for every copy printed (because they where only supplier of the ridicusly expensive carts). When Playstation came out, Sony offered much more publisher friendly licencing deals, making all the talent come over.
It seems like an incredibly ineffective way to go about business these days, terribly inconvinient for the publisher. The largest publishers have so much power these days that you'd have to be mentally retarded not to be able to negotiate a better deal than $10 per copy printed.
On top of that, no way in hell, does the publisher have to pay 1-2 million for 200k printed copies. Thats 10-20% of most games total budget. Youd never break even at such high costs for just printing the discs.
How many copies are printed of the big sellers like CoD4? 20 million copies?
Surely, Activision did not pay $200 million in game licencing. CoD4 would be supply sustrained until September 08, because at $10 per printed copy, nobody wants to make a few million to many.
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