The capabilities I want in next-generation hardware

you're right that it takes more than polygons to render FF:TSW - it takes many layers of effects and tons of AA/filtering, plus tremendous lighting.

maybe PS4 and XBox3 will be capable of graphics that are indistinguishable from FF:TSW to the human eye even if it isnt exactly the same.

with PS3,XBox2,GCN2 I would be pleased with current generation videogame FMV CGI in realtime. :)
Personally, I think the FMV in FFX is already close enough to the FF:TSW... if we have those graphics in real time next gen, much won't be missing, that's for sure...
Common sense.

LoL. Yeah, right. I have trouble believing you have any serious background in programming or mathematics that would enable you to derive a realistic number.

Not to mention I doubt this is COMMON sense. Seeing as making these claims requires a fair bit of uncommon knowledge.
LoL. Yeah, right. I have trouble believing you have any serious background in programming or mathematics that would enable you to derive a realistic number.

Not to mention I doubt this is COMMON sense. Seeing as making these claims requires a fair bit of uncommon knowledge.

So your telling me a 1tflop CPU dedicated towards graphics is going to be a joke? Because that's what you come off as saying.

By all means tell me how many polygons a 1tflop CPU dedicated towards graphics will be able to push. 10B isn't far off, hell it's maybe a little too low. Especially concidering how EE being 6.2gflops pushes over 66 million.

Oh and Jason rubin, at gdc 2003 has said that we could see 1B polygons in game next gen.
So your telling me a 1tflop CPU dedicated towards graphics is going to be a joke? Because that's what you come off as saying.

By all means tell me how many polygons a 1tflop CPU dedicated towards graphics will be able to push. 10B isn't far off, hell it's maybe a little too low. Especially concidering how EE being 6.2gflops pushes over 66 million.

Oh and Jason rubin, at gdc 2003 has said that we could see 1B polygons in game next gen.

You didn't understand. Oh well.

In anycase, I questioned your derivation, not what is actually possible.

I'm still thinking about it. I think due to the demand on the artists we'll see lots of procedural stuff instead. Not to mention, bandwidth and storage will still be heavily stressed.
I dont think we would require Clothing Processors in certain DOA:XB.....there are hardly any cloths in it.... :mrgreen:
Deepak said:
I dont think we would require Clothing Processors in certain DOA:XB.....there are hardly any cloths in it.... :mrgreen:

nah... see, VersaceEngine is the REAL deal when it comes to emotion synthesis.... can u imagine the mood swings with a queen inside your PS3... :LOL: everytime the colours on Snake's outfit don't match, it will refuse to display it going all "talk to the hand, cuz the head aint listening" on u.... :LOL:
IMHO, the next generation is overhyped.

Unlike the rest of you, I don't believe we'll see some kind of Quantum Leap from PS2/GC/Xbox to PS3/X2. Most likely, it will be the same kind of evolutionary progress that has been the norm in consoles for decades.

First generation PS3/XBOX2 games are probably going to look very similar to final-generation PS2/Xbox games, except for antialiasing and texture filtering, which will of course be higher. Before you jump all over me for saying this, I must point out that at the rate game graphics are advancing on the current-gen consoles (SH3, DOOM3, Halo2), the final generation of games for current-day consoles will look a lot more impressive than you think. Fully dynamic shadows, "polybump" textures, light blooms, projected lighting, pixel shaders for materials, reflection mapping, soft object physics, ragdoll physics, it is all fully possible in the current generation of consoles.

Most likely, the next generation of consoles will simply be an evolutionary improvement. The same effects will be used much more widely and with higher framerates, 4x or greater antialiasing, and texture detail/texture filtering. Instead of using tricks like light blooms, the next-gen will be able to use High Dynamic Range lighting to achieve spectacular looking light effects. The polygon throughput and fillrate will also be a lot higher, but I'd caution against putting too much stock in theoretical polygon throughputs - they are never actually achievable.
a bit like ps2 games don't do much more than move thousands of times more things than, say, ps1 without adding particularly new effects apart from some filtering here and there, obviously better resolution and such?
well i'm cool with that, considering that a GT game on ps3 will definately push at least 100x more polygons than even GT3... even if it *only* uses today's effects (bump mapping, aniso filtering and such) it will be enough for me.... the *sometimes* photorealistic GT3 will be a *often* photorealistic GT*put-number-here*... even without any super new effects...
still, i'm hoping to see some drastically new things in the next gen...
BoddoZerg, compare the 3D capabilities of SNES (yes, it had some :LOL: ), to those of Saturn PSX and N64, to those of Dreamcast PS2 Xbox and GameCube.

Each leap was huge.
All the things mentioned above are completely useless, IMO, without the ability to deliver them at a MINIMUM of 1280x720, progressive, with high levels of AA and AF. Completely useless... Utterly, sickeningly useless, actually.

Who wants more detail and smaller polygons when they're gonna be flashing and popping all over the screen at 480P with no AA?

The ability to deliver higher resolutions and high quality AA/AF on next gen consoles is a complete and utter MUST and I can't believe I'm the only one statings as such.

I simply will not buy a next gen console that can't do what I've described above. No way...

covermye said:
All the things mentioned above are completely useless, IMO, without the ability to deliver them at a MINIMUM of 1280x720, progressive, with high levels of AA and AF. Completely useless... Utterly, sickeningly useless, actually.

Who wants more detail and smaller polygons when they're gonna be flashing and popping all over the screen at 480P with no AA?

The ability to deliver higher resolutions and high quality AA/AF on next gen consoles is a complete and utter MUST and I can't believe I'm the only one statings as such.

I simply will not buy a next gen console that can't do what I've described above. No way...


JUST GO and read my last post on the AA thread thing....
covermye said:
All the things mentioned above are completely useless, IMO, without the ability to deliver them at a MINIMUM of 1280x720, progressive, with high levels of AA and AF. Completely useless... Utterly, sickeningly useless, actually.

Who wants more detail and smaller polygons when they're gonna be flashing and popping all over the screen at 480P with no AA?

The ability to deliver higher resolutions and high quality AA/AF on next gen consoles is a complete and utter MUST and I can't believe I'm the only one statings as such.

I simply will not buy a next gen console that can't do what I've described above. No way...


Eh... have you ever tried READING A THREAD before posting in it?
Eh... have you ever tried READING A THREAD before posting in it?[/quote]

No. I just read the title and then typed my post. Of course I read the thread. Higher resolution was mentioned once that I saw, FSAA was mentioned maybe 3 times. I just can't believe all these other suggestions are nearly as important to anyone who plays console games. I was shocked to see all the talk about high polygons, realistic cloth, etc... etc...

And to london-boy: I read your other post. I understand that HDTV isn't nearly as available or mainstream as it's becomming here in the states... yet. BUT it will be. What better way to push it along than to actually drive the technology with CONTENT, forcing the hardware to advance at the same pace?
covermye said:
Eh... have you ever tried READING A THREAD before posting in it?

No. I just read the title and then typed my post. Of course I read the thread. Higher resolution was mentioned once that I saw, FSAA was mentioned maybe 3 times. I just can't believe all these other suggestions are nearly as important to anyone who plays console games. I was shocked to see all the talk about high polygons, realistic cloth, etc... etc...

And to london-boy: I read your other post. I understand that HDTV isn't nearly as available or mainstream as it's becomming here in the states... yet. BUT it will be. What better way to push it along than to actually drive the technology with CONTENT, forcing the hardware to advance at the same pace?[/quote]

WELL if every post had *better AA!!!!* written on it it would be a bit monotone don't u think..... the reason they're not mentioned more is because it's pretty much a given... like bilinear filtering was a given in any post-N64 console....

as for HDTV in EU.... i'm VERY pessimistic....
WELL if every post had *better AA!!!!* written on it it would be a bit monotone don't u think..... the reason they're not mentioned more is because it's pretty much a given... like bilinear filtering was a given in any post-N64 console....

Couldn't the same be said for the other things mentioned here? Isn't it obvious that everyone wants higher poly counts? Better physics?

I've got an XBox. I can't stand playing games on it, though, because of the craptastic way it looks on my bigger TV's (anything 32" or larger) or projector. It's bloody awful, to be honest.

Many people rant and rave on the way some games look that I play on the XBox. I just can't get past the crappy low resolution with no AA though. I couldn't care any less about the poly count and lighting, for instance, that the XBox makes available, if I'm going to have to play at 480P. Physics and AI are another matter, but I want no more "eye candy" until it can be delivered at 720P with at least 4xAA and good texture filtering. For that matter, 480P with at least 4xAA would be a WORLD of improvement.

I think anything in the way of more polygons or better clothing physics is a waste of time, though, until we have consoles with enough memory and bandwidth to that memory to make MINIMUM 480P with 4x FSAA (or more) a standard...