The Callisto Protocol [XB, PC, PS, XGP]

Preordering is never a good idea. At least on Steam I think you can refund in the standard window starting on release day.
no problem, I will sell cd tough maybe not after finishing game just little earlier ;)
That's a real pity. I guess I'll be getting this when it's on a discount awhile from now hopefully after Denuvo is removed and there's pre-compiled shaders.
The game has been getting mid-grade reviews all across the board for the exception of the beautiful graphics and art direction. What a disappointment considering the hype pre-release and preview trials which was considered strong heading into release day.

Broken combat mechanics was the main culprit along with inconsistent difficulty...and I'm not even factoring its technical/performance issues which I'm positive will get fixed.

Guess I will wait for a price drop, and hopefully by then a lot of the issues will be fixed via update patches.
Seems the combat system is love it or hate it kind of deal which I guess which is pretty bold of them. Although not hitting with half the people in a big AAA project is pretty much a failure
Huh, what can possibly be more grown up than being a father?

Being a great grandfather. I can't wait for Dad of War to be followed up by Grandfather of War and then Great Grandfather of War. :p Maybe there will be a prequel for Mother of War where it shows Atreus' mother's story. :D

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@BRiT wasn't the consensus that after the merge we would be creating a techical discussions thread for games if needed? That could contain the PC gripes about performance.
@BRiT wasn't the consensus that after the merge we would be creating a techical discussions thread for games if needed? That could contain the PC gripes about performance.

Yes. Though the thought was it would be for PC specific settings and tweaks and the like if the discussion overtook everything else. It probably should be done for PC Stutters too, though with a note in the main thread about the issues and to see other thread for details.

So if any PC gamer would like to discuss the issues further, please create a thread for it. I don't think they want to waste any more time on this game at this moment.
It's for teens and young adults, starting with family.
My kid is in that age himself already, so i no longer need to teach and raise him.
I feel too old for those tropes, which totally dominate Sonys games.
Besides, i play games to leave the real world and go somewhere else, not to be reminded on it.
Seriously. I don’t play games to be reminded of the head on my belt loop.
It's for teens and young adults, starting with family.
My kid is in that age himself already, so i no longer need to teach and raise him.
I feel too old for those tropes, which totally dominate Sonys games.
Besides, i play games to leave the real world and go somewhere else, not to be reminded on it.
Wait!!! You are living in a magical world where fairies and mythical creatures roam in it?

hmm... have i expressed myself so badly?
Or did i make a faux pas by criticizing glorious AAA GOW?

Well, what should i do? I've played only five minutes. Maybe it's a good game after that. Like turned out to be the case for Uncharted, which also had such Disney style introduction.
Same for HZD. Little Disney girl kiddy reprise introduction. Only after minutes she finally looks like Captain Kirk with boobs and terrible hair. Blah blah, finally a little bit of a game, but i already fell asleep long before.

You guys like that? Imagine this would be a real movies. Would feel like low brow copies of Spielberg and Disney stuff.

It's not really what i expect from Video games. I'm fine with thrash, which does not pretend to be serious, teaching me what's obviously good or bad, or tries to be politically correct. Robot sharks with laser eyes? Yes. Two teen girls falling in love with each other? No thanks. I'll rather watch a real movie or read a book.

Or give me something interesting / mysterious. With great atmosphere. Does not need to make much sense, but spurring imagination would be nice. Scorn is great in that regard, for example.

It's mostly indie games that i really like. AAA became too average, predictable, uniform and boring. Production budgets and content creation skills do not help this, nor do polished mechanics.

Looks like the difference between Raytracing on and off is going to be huuuge!

Looks mindblowing with RT on. Can't wait for Dictator's coverage!

Yeah watching the DF video this game is going to be a case study for what HWRT can bring to a game. As I've been saying for years, subtle changes in the accuracy of lighting and shadow can have massive differences on the overall believability of the image.

Looks like a modern day Doom 3 to me (including the cutting edge graphics). I'll very likely pick it up when/if the PC issues are resolved.
hmm... have i expressed myself so badly?
Or did i make a faux pas by criticizing glorious AAA GOW?

Well, what should i do? I've played only five minutes. Maybe it's a good game after that. Like turned out to be the case for Uncharted, which also had such Disney style introduction.
Same for HZD. Little Disney girl kiddy reprise introduction. Only after minutes she finally looks like Captain Kirk with boobs and terrible hair. Blah blah, finally a little bit of a game, but i already fell asleep long before.

You guys like that? Imagine this would be a real movies. Would feel like low brow copies of Spielberg and Disney stuff.

It's not really what i expect from Video games. I'm fine with thrash, which does not pretend to be serious, teaching me what's obviously good or bad, or tries to be politically correct. Robot sharks with laser eyes? Yes. Two teen girls falling in love with each other? No thanks. I'll rather watch a real movie or read a book.

Or give me something interesting / mysterious. With great atmosphere. Does not need to make much sense, but spurring imagination would be nice. Scorn is great in that regard, for example.

It's mostly indie games that i really like. AAA became too average, predictable, uniform and boring. Production budgets and content creation skills do not help this, nor do polished mechanics.
It was a joke about you wanting to play games to leave the real world and go somewhere else.
Since GOW is in a fantasy place, I joked that your world is probably magical like GOW's and I got excited.
Is this game actually available on Xbox One/X?
I haven't found a single review, video, or mention of that version anywhere. There are youtube videos of the PS4 version, so I know it's available for 8th gen.

NM, found one.
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Yeah, really. This forum should just do away with PC game discussion altogether. There's nothing to say... It's just dog shit.

It's not that bad, but expecting some PC games to be a bit rough on arrival is probably a more realistic expectation. And believe me, plenty of games arrive on console a "little hot" in terms of performance!

Ship-today-fix-tomorrow has become the norm - with some exceptions. :yep2: