I understand you, I really do.It was about shader stutter. And even when they identified it, even with the help of NV engineers it took quite a while for them to track it down and fix it. Of course, now that they know what was causing the stutters and how to fix it, you see them reach out to other Indie developers to help them identify and point them in the right direction to fix it. Not only that you see them piping in from time to time to let others know that shader stutter is a problem and not necessarily an easy one to identify and fix when you're deep in development. IE - lots of bugs, lots of performance issues, lots of optimization to do, etc. So you may not know until the final build of the game that it's not a bug and instead it's due to JIT shader compilation.
Even though there are developers that keep an eye on DF videos, not all developers do and when you're an indie developer working on an ambitious project like The Ascent, you may not have a lot of time as the engine and rendering architect to pay attention to other games during development of your title.
Now, if it slips through again on their next title, I'll definitely blast them about how they couldn't miss it and fix it before release now that they know the root cause and how to fix it, but this was their first studio title which came out before there was so much attention being paid to shader stutter. So, I give them kudos for taking it seriously after their game was released and before shader stutter got as much publicity as it has.
I fully expect we'll continue to see this for a bit and I'll generally give Indie devs (like Neon Giant) more slack, especially if it's their first major title release (The Ascent).
Now someone like Epic releasing the latest Fortnite with shader stutter? They should absolutely know better by this point. The Callisto Project? Tough call. They obviously ran out of development time for any version that wasn't the PS5 version. So, who knows if shader stutter would or would not have been fixed if they actually had enough time to put into the PC version.
But that's about identifying why something is happening... not that it is happening in the first place.
It's very simple. You play the final build of your game on a completely fresh PC, and you see what happens. That immediately tells you if there is a problem. Within minutes of a game launching there are forum posts speaking about this particular issue when it happens. This testing should all happen BEFORE a game is launched. Discover the issue, and take as long as you need to find the solution.
This goes for ALL types of stutter. It seems to me.. like developers simply don't test their games on clean PCs to see what the actual user experience will be like. I simply can't fathom any excuse making sense to me.
I can't give any developers any slack about this. It's either a case of them not testing it, or they fully understand the issues the game is shipping with, and ship it anyway. Whether it performs sufficiently enough or not is entirely subjective... but shader compilation stutter isn't hard to notice. I guess my standards are just too impossibly high and I'm being unrealistic.... while console gamers enjoy none of this BS.