The big question New TV or PC hardware?


What's it gonna be? I have an aging PC that cries at the thought of F.E.A.R or BF2 or anything of the sort. I also want a funkeh new TV that is future proof. I don't havce to buy right now but the sooner the better. ~£500 to spend, let the convincing begin.
Well, that's simple: there is no such thing as a future-proof TV on the market. PC hardware it is!

The HDTV "standards" are so muddied right now that I am not sure what to think anymore. Then again, there is not exactly a plethora of HDTV content. Unless a new TV is an absolute must or you just want a cool new gadget for the living room, I think it would be prudent to put off purchasing a HDTV for at least a year or so. Let the hardware that will drive HDTV become prevalent and then the rest of the pieces should fall into place.
wireframe said:
Well, that's simple: there is no such thing as a future-proof TV on the market. PC hardware it is!

The HDTV "standards" are so muddied right now that I am not sure what to think anymore. Then again, there is not exactly a plethora of HDTV content. Unless a new TV is an absolute must or you just want a cool new gadget for the living room, I think it would be prudent to put off purchasing a HDTV for at least a year or so. Let the hardware that will drive HDTV become prevalent and then the rest of the pieces should fall into place.

LOL PC Hardware is future proof? Yeah, for 6 months!! :devilish:

Sy, u know what i think but i'll repeat it. I don't get people spending 4 grand on a PC just to play one game, when for the same money you can get a nice HDTV and a console.

HDTV in the UK/Europe is finalised now and rather "future proof" unless you're talking about 1080p which is a non-issue right now. Obviously you need to shop for a good HDTV and be careful what u buy, cause there are still lots of old models the sales people will try to sell you just to get rid of old stock.

I'd get a nice HDTV (with that budget you'll find some VERY nice ones) and get an X360 or wait for a PS3. Neither consoles are "future proof", but they certainly beat the hell out of PCs in terms of futureproofness. 8-12 months down the line you'll be spending more money to upgrade your PC to play one more game.

I just don't see the point unless you have very deep pockets, which you don't have.

And i know your tastes. PS3 is gonna come out and you'll inundate me of emails about u being broke and why did u buy that damn 4 grand PC and i'll say "told u so!".

EDIT: £500? didn't u say 4 grand? *confused*
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london-boy said:
LOL PC Hardware is future proof? Yeah, for 6 months!! :devilish:

I think you need to read that one again. He said he wanted either a future proof TV or new computer hardware. I said there is no currently future-proof TV so it must be PC hardware then. Nowhere did I, or Sy, make mention of future-proof PC hardware.

I also failed to see the $4,000 figure. I do see a 500 GBP one though.
wireframe said:
I think you need to read that one again. He said he wanted either a future proof TV or new computer hardware. I said there is no currently future-proof TV so it must be PC hardware then. Nowhere did I, or Sy, make mention of future-proof PC hardware.

I also failed to see the $4,000 figure. I did see a 500 GBP one though.

Sowwy!! I was referring to email conversations we had. :oops:
I didn't actually read his post here cause i knew what it was about...

Anyway, with that in mind, i say WAIT. Sy, there are now Samsung HDTVs for about 600 quid. They are "proper" HDTVs.
If you wait a little, things will be better.

Spending 500 quid now on PC hardware will leave you nothing, and i can't take months of you nagging about how u want an HDTV to plug to your PS3. :devilish:
london-boy said:
Sowwy!! I was referring to email conversations we had. :oops:

That's ok. The OP sounds like a "I need a new toy, what shall it be?" More about fun than pragmatism, with the exception of "future proof TV." This is why I said what I said. I think if you can wait, you should. Right now the "future TVs" in that price range are usually LCDs and they come with VGA, component, S-video, and composite. If you wait a year you might be able to get a plasma with HDMI for that price.

But wait, I see this Samsung LCD with HDMI for around that But, I still think I would wait unless I absolutely needed the new TV now. I think HDTV technologies are in complete chaos right now, but will stabilize in the coming year. At least new technologies will emerge that addresse the shortcomings in current implementations (better black levels etc). In other words, I don't think a HDTV bought in 2005 will be one you want to look at come 2008. Of course there are those rare exceptions that push the envelope so far that they will not be matched on a mass production level for quite some time, but those are a wee bit outside the 600 Pound range. ;)
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wireframe said:
That's ok. The OP sounds like a "I need a new toy, what shall it be?" More about fun than pragmatism, with the exception of "future proof TV." This is why I said what I said. I think if you can wait, you should. Right now the "future TVs" in that price range are usually LCDs and they come with VGA, component, S-video, and composite. If you wait a year you might be able to get a plasma with HDMI for that price.

But wait, I see this Samsung LCD with HDMI for around that But, I still think I would wait unless I absolutely needed the new TV now. I think HDTV technologies are in complete chaos right now, but will stabilize in the coming year. At least new technologies will emerge that addresses the shortcomings in current implementations (better black levels etc). In other words, I don't think a HDTV bought in 2005 will be one you want to look at come 2008. Of course there are those rare exceptions that push the envelope so far that they will not be matched on a mass production level for quite some time, but those are a wee bit outside the 600 Pound range. ;)

My Sy can wait till Xmas at least CAN'T HE! :devilish: Or i'll cut the allowance!
Samsung are doing a really good job pushing "proper" HDTVs at low prices - by proper i mean 720p with HDMI and component and all the bells and whistles. By xmas they'll be joined by other manufacturers at that price point, with better technology too.
Ok you've talked me out of buying now, I'll just play F.E.A.R in 800*600 at 25fps (if i'm lucky).

There is this really nice jacket I've had my eye on at envy... and then I've some redecorating to do... *tear*
sytaylor said:
Ok you've talked me out of buying now, I'll just play F.E.A.R in 800*600 at 25fps (if i'm lucky).

There is this really nice jacket I've had my eye on at envy... and then I've some redecorating to do... *tear*

Good boy.


Just consult me before even thinking about getting an HDTV! It's such a mess in the UK. NoT only we have to worry about resolutions and HDMI and all that crap. Now we also have to worry about 50Hz and 60Hz, which has been STUPIDLY carried over to HDTVs. Some HDTVs are only 50Hz compatible, and some are only 60Hz compatible.
Big mess as you'll most likely need a 50/60Hz display to maek sure you can play SkyHD (50Hz only apparently) and other material which will probably be 60Hz (HDDVD and consoles). Nothing is clear so far, but by xmas everything should be clearer.

Oh, SkyHD are launching in February 06 now, instead of "summer 06". So that will drive HDTV prices down even sooner.
sytaylor said:
Ok you've talked me out of buying now, I'll just play F.E.A.R in 800*600 at 25fps (if i'm lucky).

There is this really nice jacket I've had my eye on at envy... and then I've some redecorating to do... *tear*
Metrosexuality was soooo 2004.
RussSchultz said:
Metrosexuality was soooo 2004.

I was metro way before metro was even a free paper on public transport. Besides, I can't really qualify as metro since I don't own an iPod or any apple music product.
london-boy said:
Sy, u know what i think but i'll repeat it. I don't get people spending 4 grand on a PC just to play one game, when for the same money you can get a nice HDTV and a console.

I can honestly say I don't think I've ever even seen a $4,000 PC, but I've built many for around $1,000 that could play any game on the shelves at it's highest graphics detail setting, and would last around 3 years before you really started having trouble playing a small group of games.

That said, I agree with the TV, but that's what I spend most of my time in front of when I'm not at work.
If I had a PCIe capeable motherboard I'd just buy the 7800GT and not touch the processor for a little while, which would both tide me over and "help" me wait for the new TV.
Motherboard swap would only cost around $100-120 for a really good one. You can get one that allows you to use all of your other components.
sytaylor said:
Ok you've talked me out of buying now, I'll just play F.E.A.R in 800*600 at 25fps (if i'm lucky).

There is this really nice jacket I've had my eye on at envy... and then I've some redecorating to do... *tear*

disabling shadows and AA lets your framerate jump from 15fps t over 30 fps.
Powderkeg said:
Motherboard swap would only cost around $100-120 for a really good one. You can get one that allows you to use all of your other components.

Which one would this be? I'm currently using a 3000+ (skt 754)... Haven't really seen anythign that will take that.
Powderkeg said:
Motherboard swap would only cost around $100-120 for a really good one. You can get one that allows you to use all of your other components.

Err he can't get his router to work, let alone "Swap motherboards" :p
The big question New TV or PC hardware?
Easy answer; yes.